Friday, August 19, 2016

To Tremont Again

This morning I got up at 6:00am and got to Tremont by 8:00am.  I dropped off my car at Miller Automatics (in Tremont) to have the headlights checked.  One headlight is out, and the Brights are the same height as the lights should be (the lights are lower).   So basically, I have no Brights.  So I dropped off the car and walked across town to the High School.  I had missed Jill Hellrigel (and found out today that she wasn’t in yesterday) yesterday when I was here visiting teachers.   It was good talk to her again and caught up on each other’s lives a bit.  We talked for nearly an hour.  On my way out I stopped and talked to a few other teachers.  Then I walked to Eli’s (Coffee Shop), got a Mocha Latte and sat down to write this post.  

While I was there I found out some new things about the school.  For one, which I am jealous about, every student now get’s their own Laptop (for the 4 years), when they graduate, they have to return them.   But they get to take them home, use them in school and everything, it’s theirs for High School.    There are a lot of ups and downs with the whole thing, and I’m sure there will be a lot of changes to the whole thing further on in the year.  

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