Tuesday, August 2, 2016

God is Speaking To YOU

Reading certain bible verses, words from God, and what others say regarding God can really boost my walk with God.   I find that God speaks to me through a variety of ways, but one of them is through the numerous pictures and posts of the list above and that which follows.  Sayings, speeches, songs, messages, verses, quotes and everything in between: they are just God speaking into my life in a different way.   So I post the following pictures in hope that as you read them you will read them with an open heart.  Read them as if God is directly speaking to you.  But not only read them, I also challenge you to listen as you read them.  God will speak, if you open your heart and listen.  He has something so say to you, but you haven't been listening (whether intentionally or unintentionally).  So Listen, Hear what is being said; hear what God is saying.   Listen. Meditate. Apply.  God is speaking. 

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