Sunday, August 14, 2016

Prompt Care

As I said in an earlier post, we (my dad and I) had another stop on the way to grandma's.  I've had a lot of neck pain the last few weeks and the last few days I've had some upper back pain.  Friday, for the last 5 or 6 hours of the trip, I had a growing throbbing-like feeling in the back of my head.  I told my dad about it and we prayed.  I felt like God said for me to have it checked out.  We were going to see if I could get an appointment on Monday, but after the throbbing feeling got worse, my dad thought I should go Saturday.   God, however, then told me that I should go right now, Friday night.  So we stopped at a Prompt Care in Peoria and had it checked out.  The doc was really nice and he was super friendly, likable and knowledgeable.  We didn't tell him that I had spent the last two weeks spending a lot of time looking down at a computer (I was selling a ton of stuff via Craigslist) nor did we tell him that I spent the last 13 hours driving.  He came to these conclusions on his own.  He said that because I've been looking down at my computer so much, I may have bent, twisted or snapped some muscle strands or something in my backbone, therefore causing pain in the upper back, neck, shoulders and head.   He game me some pain killers and some muscle relaxers.   Since then my pain is still existent, though it's much more bearable.  Praise be to God!!!

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