After retuning to grandma Baurer's house after lunch, I spent a good amount of time updating the blog and such. Then I drove 90 minutes to Gridley to spend the weekend with the Schlipfs (cousins). On the way I got to listen to a recorded Impact Sermon (Podcast) from the first week in July (I think). {for those who don't know, Impact is Koinonia's High School Youth Outreach} It was called, "No Longer Slaves" and was based on the song No Longer Slaves (my personal favorite). It was really good and powerful. Then I followed it with the song No Longer Slaves two times, and God really spoke to me during that time. Then I restarted the sermon and listen to that for the rest of the time.
Once at the Schlipfs, I got some time to do a bit more catching up on a class we did in SLI last year called Old Testament Survey. We didn't quite get through the whole thing so we get the ability to finish it online. I'm hoping I can get the rest done in the next week (I've still got a lot that I want to do yet).
Then we ate supper, and shortly after, Bethany, Jesse and I headed off to their Young Group gathering in Gridley. It was a large group tonight of about 31 people. I have to say, I was impressed. It was a lot better and a lot more fun than I had expected. God challenged me a lot and I learned more ways how to study the Bible, how to see God and how to understand Him more - all of which were not what was taught. God just showed me some things that was not being verbally taught to everyone. Thank you dad, I really appreciate it (and LOVE it).
After the "lesson" we had snacks and talked a bit. I started to get to know one of the guys particularly. Then someone brought out a chess board - that just rose my unofficial excitement and fun level 10x. I watched a few games (helping some) and it was so great - A ton of FUN! I would definitely go again.
We got home around quarter till eleven pm. We talked a little about our schedule as far as when we were going to watch the rest of the Lord of the Rings movies and we concluded that we would get up in the morning and do it. That we would go downstairs and set up everything tonight and start first thing in the morning. However, once we got everything set up, we just decided to watch an hour of the next disc, till about midnight. Well, we ended up watching the whole disc, which ended at 1:13am. That was okay though, I am still quite awake.
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