Sunday, August 7, 2016

God is not defined to....

God's been teaching me a lot lately.  As many of you know,  God's bee directing me to attend a number of different churches this summer and He's been teaching me a lot through it all.   One of the things He's made clear has been that He works in all cultures, all denominations and with all people.   Though I've been asking Him where I should go to church for today.  And, though I waited a while to ask (He normally tells me the day before or the day of), I didn't hear a reply from Him.  I named off the churches that stood out a bit more and ones I would like going to and other options, but still no answer.  I figured that if I didn't get an answer by the time my family left for church, I'd go with them.  Well 30-60 minutes prior their leaving, I went and spent some extra time with my dad asking Him where He wanted me to go.  His reply wasn't what I was expecting.  In fact, if I didn't know better, I would of said that it was the devil speaking to me.  He said, "don't go to church. Stay home." He told me that this would give me a distraction-free environment and time to worship Him, read His words, and review previous notes from sermons.  I immediately been questioning Him, like any non-fully-trusting-little-child would.   I said, "is this really you God? Because God telling me not to go to church just doesn't seem right..."   But He assured me that what He said was Him and His words remain.

Why did He tell me to stay home?  Well, He's slowly been revealing that to me.  One of the things He's been teaching me in the other churches is that He isn't defined to a denomination or a culture or a people.  He works with all.   Today, He told me to remember that He isn't defined to a building (churches often remind people of this, but the next part most churches don't touch) and He is not defined to a word!   He is not defined to the word "Church".   He is universal, He is omnipresent, He is God!

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