Friday, August 19, 2016

Past Week

This past week I've got to spend some good time with my grandma Baurer.   She (thankfully) has put me to work doing stuff other than just sitting around trying to sell stuff.  I've got to do a large variety of things in her home.  From painting the walls to changing lights to taring off dying trim on her table.   From computer help to furniture moving to a bit of carpenter work.   I've been privileged to help her with just about everything it seems.  Oh, and we got the pressure washer working; it's the same one that both our cousin's and my family tried and couldn't get it working.  I didn't do anything special, I just added gas and oil and she purrs like a kitten (well kind of like a kitten with a cough), but she works great.   Praise God!  Grandma got some pressure washing done and found how hot the pressure washer gets.   It burt a hole in the garden hose.   Now when we use that hose while using the pressure washer, it sure waters the grass, trees and plants around it well.   We are all human and make silly mistakes all the time.  And you know what, I thank God for that.  It's a way He uses to teach us.  Whether it's costly or just a day-in day-out silly thing, it's a great learning experience.  

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