Saturday, August 20, 2016

Talk With God

Thursday night I was at Grandma's house in Princeville and I felt that I just needed to spend some time with God.  So I got my bible, notebook, pen, water bottle, a few Kleenex's and then on second though I brought the whole box of tissue papers (a good thing too).  And I tuned most of the lights off and just sat praising God.  I turned off some worship music and told the Holy Spirit that I'm here ready to hear Him if he speaks.   I started with Holy Spirit and put it on shuffle.   It's cool how God plays the shuffle just the songs I needed to hear at just the right time and in the right order.   It was a powerful time in His presence.   I was greatly convicted, challenged and felt my need for Him even more so.   He showed me His love and himself even more so as my dad, my father, my comforter and my Lord.   He spoke directly to my heart.

I was singing, "I want more of You God..." and He said, "Oh a lot more is coming..." meaning further down the road.   He reminded me of trials ahead but that He would be there and carry me through them.  He won't let Go.

At one point, I didn't even feel worthy to speak (or declare) a word that DESCRIBED Him.   I didn't feel worthy enough to describe Him as "Good,"   I tried over and over and each time there was just so much weight to the point I was slumped over in my chair sideways.   I'm not worthy.   Then I kept trying to say, "Jesus."   It was just so hard for it has so much meaning and power and weight.   I am not worthy!

He spoke to my heart something that I have questioned before and my heart has greatly desired to hear the words He told me.   I've desired this for sooo long!!   He was talking about Aunt Jane (for those who don't know, her health isn't very good and she is in the hospital) and he said, "She is mine."   I dug into that with questions and He replied, "She's mine, the devil fought for her but she's mine, the grave has overcome!"   Praise God!  Hallelujah!!!  He told me that her time had come and that she would be go tonight (in death or in another sense, I do not know).  

I was at a point where I felt the presence and power so much and the prompting to declare things over certain people.   I declared in faith that an unsaved family (that I know) would be touched by God tonight in the name of Jesus, for there is power in the name of Jesus!  He told me that He is there with them.  I declared over a friend (who dose not know the Lord) in faith and his family that they would be touched by God and He said that He is there.  I declare in faith that healing would come to anther person I know.  

He keeps telling me (and has been telling me - upon my request) on who He wants me to vote for.   I asked Him to show me who to vote for (if anyone).  I want His name to be lifted up through all that happens! Glory be to God and God alone!  

He gave me the powerful reminder that "This is not my home."  Heaven is my home."

He confirmed things that I've asked Him to confirm and things that just needed to be comforted about and reminded of.   God is good.  (This is such a good reminder:) He said to me, "Trust me, for I will work it [what He's said] out on my own time frame."  - Ironically this is one of the things similar to what He showed me at the Young Group gathering Friday night.   God is good!

Multiple times during this experience, He reached over and hugged me and pulled me up against Him, just as a dad would do with his little child.  Whenever He did this it opened the flood gates (seemingly) of tears and emotion and the feeling of unconditional love!   "There's nothing like His embrace."

By the time all this was over, I was thankful I had brought the whole box of tissue paper over, for I had drenched several dozen Kleenex's.

This all was much needed!!!
I miss you God (when I am not fully open to you - who is with me always whether I realize it or not).

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