Monday, August 15, 2016

Car fun

Today my car was fortunate to get a dent in the side.   It got backed into, accidentally.   It's okay with me, it could of been a lot worse.   The way I see it, God blessed me with such a car, and now I get the opportunity to bless others.  "Do unto others as you want done to you."   If I had backed into someone's car I would of loved it if they had just waved it off (from the heart, and not just on the outside appearance),  So I'm just waving off this accident.   As my dad reminded me, "God's just keeping you from becoming proud of a nice looking car."   Haha,  yeah, though I still think it looks nice.   Glory be to God!!

1 comment:

  1. Ugh!! Even though it's used, it obviously was well taken care of, so that's a real bummer! I hope you got their insurance info! (It looks like some pthing that might be able to be popped out? Your dad seems to be creative with these kinds of solutions!)


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