That wonderful feeling when you find out that you budgeted way more than you really need. I did a bit more detailed math on my budget this morning (my mind is working exceptionally clear at 2:00am). I found that after current diesel prices and if I round up on the amount of driving I will be doing (by an additional 40-70%), I budgeted about double the actual cost. And say if I lowered my actual mpg, AND diesel prices rose 50 cents per liter (nearly $2/gal), I still budgeted more than 25% of the cost extra!
I don't know how I overlooked this when budgeting, but it will really help make things flow a bit smoother. The challenge is to do as we learned in SLI last year from Bryce, Earl Pitts, Pastor Steve and so many others, when you get more [or you find you have more] don't let it increase your circle (of your budget).
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