Wednesday, August 3, 2016

The Day Today

Today was somewhat of a productive day.   I spent the day taking pictures to sell more things (my mom has tons of things that she brought down to Texas, but doesn't have space for, so she's asked me to sell them).   Happily I will do so, since most of the stuff would of been either trashed or sent to Goodwill.  Not anything against those other two options, I just prefer making money.  I now have tons of just about everything for sale down here.  I was actually pretty productive other than taking pictures though.   My mom and I continued to clean out Andrew's (Baxter) room, now my room for the next couple weeks.   I cleaned out most of it yesterday, but there was some furniture that needed to be moved out.  While all this was happening, I had set up for a lady to come pick up a La-Z-Boy couch that I was selling.  There was another chair that I was selling and I brought it inside to take pictures of it.  My mom then told me to take it back into the garage (because she didn't want it in the house, and we don't have room for it long term).  However, I wanted to keep it inside to see if it would catch the attention of the lady who was coming to buy the couch and see if she'd want to buy the chair as well.  After quite an internal battle I decided to follow my mom's wishes and return it to the garage (a good thing too).   I didn't put it back in the spot where it came from though, I put it right next to the open garage door (as advertisement when the lady pulled in).  And praise God it worked.  Before we even loaded the couch in her trailer, she asked if, by chance that chair was for sale as well.   So I sold the chair and the couch - the couch (my mom was blessed to get it for $40) sold for $225.   Praise God!   Slowly, but surely God is brining in the finances that I will need for next year.

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