Monday, August 29, 2016

Kindergarten Teacher?

Today was my first Day of SLI Year 2!!!!   Brooke, Janette, Bryce and I all share an office (right across the hall from the SLI room).   We started off at 9:00am with just a few notes from Bryce, followed by a GREAT time of worship and prayer (that lasted about 45 minutes, though only seemed like 5 minutes).   Then we  watched a Webinar from Dr. Sam Chand - which I think we will continue doing.   We then ate lunch (left overs from the Twenty20 meal last night) and then headed off to meeting Bryce had set us up with under one of the departments we will be serving in.   My meeting was in the Kindergarten Classroom.  Though, I was an hour early, so I help the teacher and the facility guys move all her stuff to a new room on the other side of the building.  

After an hour we had our meeting and she informed me of a lot of things I'd be doing in the classroom.  In simple terms, I will becoming like a second teacher for the Kindergarten class.   I will teach the science class once a week, and the math section on the rest of the days.  I will teach them and supervise them on Spacewalk, and may be out to supervise them at recess.  I will be with them the whole morning of most days. And them I will be with Operations in the afternoon.   I will be at the church roughly 40 hours a week.  

More details to come.

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