Friday, August 19, 2016

Sigh... Budgeting

Today while I was waiting for my car to get out of the shop, I spent more than an hour trying to get my budget worked out.   I've saved up a good portion (though not complete) of money to support me next year, and today I was telling YNAB (You Need A Budget - program) to only give me the amount I calculated I would need each month.   I figure now that I'll need $600-$675 each month to cover gas, rent, car repair funds/emergency funds, clothes and such.   However, since I don't yet have all that money, I had a difficult time to get things to add up correctly.  I think I have it now, hoping that I can get $500-$900 before heading up next week.  But if not, it'll have to work out, it always does, God's got His hand on me, He has a plan.    It was kinda fun doing it, though it was a bit frustrating getting it to add up (that is until I realized that I was adding wrong, haha).  

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