Monday, August 29, 2016

Worship Light

During the Worship and prayer time we had this morning in SLI, God showed me an awesome sight.  It was similar to a book I had just finished called Blessed Child by Ted DeKker.   God really moved on my heart some challenging things that have been going on (that I would rather not share at the moment) and during it I say (with my eyes closed) the room as if my eyes were open.  But it wasn't just the room, it was filled with a flowing white light, like the blue & red & white and such light as described in Blessed Child.  I was overwhelmed for I knew in my heart that God was showing me a visual that He was there.   The white light flowed around each of the four of us in the room and also in a huge circle around us all.  Form one to the next it flowed too, like connect the dots.  It was a smooth light, pure and fine, a like that I've never seen.   It seemed to flow more as we praise Him and as He spoke to us.  From time to time as I was reminded of my sin, that He took it and how unworthy I am, God showed me the light even more so.  Except it had red light representing His blood, and the red light was quickly overpowered by the white light and disappeared.  When again, I was reminded of my sin, and such (all working perfectly with what He was doing in me at the moment) I say flowing black "light" flowing around me, But that too was soon overcome by the strong, pure, perfect and abundant white light and it too disappeared.  God just spoke to me reminding me that He has overcome and His light has covered all my sin and all that was unworthy is worthy through Him.  

Kindergarten Teacher?

Today was my first Day of SLI Year 2!!!!   Brooke, Janette, Bryce and I all share an office (right across the hall from the SLI room).   We started off at 9:00am with just a few notes from Bryce, followed by a GREAT time of worship and prayer (that lasted about 45 minutes, though only seemed like 5 minutes).   Then we  watched a Webinar from Dr. Sam Chand - which I think we will continue doing.   We then ate lunch (left overs from the Twenty20 meal last night) and then headed off to meeting Bryce had set us up with under one of the departments we will be serving in.   My meeting was in the Kindergarten Classroom.  Though, I was an hour early, so I help the teacher and the facility guys move all her stuff to a new room on the other side of the building.  

After an hour we had our meeting and she informed me of a lot of things I'd be doing in the classroom.  In simple terms, I will becoming like a second teacher for the Kindergarten class.   I will teach the science class once a week, and the math section on the rest of the days.  I will teach them and supervise them on Spacewalk, and may be out to supervise them at recess.  I will be with them the whole morning of most days. And them I will be with Operations in the afternoon.   I will be at the church roughly 40 hours a week.  

More details to come.

The Amazing Race - Koinonia Style

Okay, I know the following will sound a bit rushed, but I'm a bit behind on where I'd like to be, as far as blogging goes, so this might go a bit quick, just to catch up with the amount of time I have.

Sunday, I was great to be back at Koinonia once again.  I loved seeing friends, classmates and other people again.   I went to second service (Daniel, Julia and Clara rode with me - Oh, yeah, most of you probably haven't met Clara.  She is Julia's foreign Exchange partner from France.  She will be here till November, 3 months, then in February, Julia will go live with Clara in France for 3 months.) Anyways, we all stayed after church for the Impact (high school group) and Twenty20 (college-age group) Fussion Car Rally.  It cost $5 (thankfully Jim signed me up - I still owe him $5), and they fed us a delicious Burger/chicken patty lunch.  Then they split us up into 11 teams of 5-7 people each.   This whole thing was kind of like a version of The Amazing Race, but with other things added in as bonus points.   Our first challenge was our group had to write out all the books of the bible, in order without using our phones or anything to look them up.   Once a team got that, they received their next challenge.  Well, I sadly don't know the order of the books of the bible, nor do I think I could name them all off the top of my head.   Our group teamed with another group, who was also struggling, to get it done quicker.  One team got their list done pretty quickly and was off on the next challenge.    We were likely one of the later groups to finally get the next challenge.  It gave a general area with in the Kitchener Waterloo area/region that we had to find to receive more information on what has to be done for the next challenge.  Each group had a preassigned leader/driver.  

Now there were a few more rules, each challenge completed was worth 1,000 points.  Two times during the day, Bryce posted on the Twenty20 Facebook page a picture of him somewhere in the Region.  If you got to him in the 15 minutes allotted for this, your team received 500 bonus points. (He did a surprise 3rd time for 250 points at the end).  We also had a list of things that we could do for and extra 100 points (listed below), and a list of things we could do for an extra 300 points (listed below).  We also had to be back at Koinonia at by 5:30 (I think we left around 2:30 or 3:00) and your team lost 100 points per minute you were late.   Also, your team had to stay together at all times (you can't split up to get things done quicker).

Bonus Point Challenges (100 Points each)
- Collect - a crayfish
- Collect - bird feather
- Collect - penny from 1974 (this one is harder than you would think because Canada hasn't made pennies since 2012 - their basically out of circulation)
- Collect - a house fly (bonus 200 points if it's still alive upon return)
- Collect - a size 1 diaper
- Collect - wildflower bouquet with 4 colors of flowers
- Collect - a GRT Bus route pamphlet
- Collect -  the takeout menu from a Chinese food restaurant
- Photo - group pyramid
- Photo - group "Tebowing"
- Photo - group standing under the "aisle 3" sign in a grocery store
- Photo - group with LRT sign
- Photo - someone teeing off at a golf course
- Purchase - one chocolate Timbit with receipt from today
- Purchase - 12 red grapes with receipt form today
- Purchase - gas for $2.37 with receipt from today
- Video - wash a stranger's car windows
- Video - feeding an animal
- Video - One of your team members playing Rock Paper Scissors with a stranger

Bonus Point Challenges (300 Points each)
- Collect - a new Waterloo Public Library Card for one of the team members
- Collect - a napkin from 4 different fast food places
- Collect - a balloon animal
- Photo - Group up in a tree
- Photo - 1 member of your group reading book about a monkey
- Photo - group with a police officer
- Video - milk a cow
- Video - swim in public water fountain
- Video - test drive a car

And thus was the game.  Our team did many of the little things before getting to some of the main Challenges, which resulted in us mission out on two of the challenges due to time sake.  However it was a TON of fun, a total Blast!!!  I don't remember all the challenges in order, but some included changing a tire, a 4x1 race, and remembering someone's tattoo and then running to  another end of the park to draw it from memory.  One I really enjoyed was a swimming one - which I did.  The challenge was to dive into Pastor Steve's pool and retrieve 13 cents from the bottom (which was full of coins).  The catch was you had to retrieve the 13 cents, once coin at a time.   (I also got to do the other water thing, which was one of the 300 pint challenges (above) of swimming in a public fountain).   At the end (we were second to last (which we were all still thrilled about since we had fun) we had Ice cream sandwiches before heading home.   (the winners got gift cards).   My team members were two girls I had never met before, Jeff Stevens (out leader/driver) and Matthew Champion.

This is something we need to do more often!!!

Friday, August 26, 2016

Toyota Echo: Car Or Gator

The uses of my old car (The Toyota Echo) cannot be matched.   I came home today to find it being used to grade the horse arena.   

Budgeting Blessing

That wonderful feeling when you find out that you budgeted way more than you really need.   I did a bit more detailed math on my budget this morning (my mind is working exceptionally clear at 2:00am).  I found that after current diesel prices and if I round up on the amount of driving I will be doing (by an additional 40-70%), I budgeted about double the actual cost.  And say if I lowered my actual mpg, AND diesel prices rose 50 cents per liter (nearly $2/gal), I still budgeted more than 25% of the cost extra!

I don't know how I overlooked this when budgeting, but it will really help make things flow a bit smoother.  The challenge is to do as we learned in SLI last year from Bryce, Earl Pitts, Pastor Steve and so many others, when you get more [or you find you have more] don't let it increase your circle (of your budget).  

Thursday, August 25, 2016

Wow God! Did Not See That Coming!

So funny thing happened tonight (well I suppose now it's considered yesterday),  I picked up a book.  Haha, there's more to it than that.  This book I tried to read nine months ago as one of the required SLI books and I disliked it so much and was so angry and fed up with it that my entire book report was on all the things that I didn't like or agree with (Bryce wasn't too happy).   I was in my room and Daniel (we share a room - the basement) was heading to bed so I thought I should finish up what I was doing, and I suddenly got one of those feelings.  One from God.   One that said, he has something to say to me.  My eyes then noticed a copy of Jesus Calling by Sarah Young that was partially buried in my pile of stuff I'm unpacking. I don't really read it all that often, though I would like to (I usually just forget).   So as I picked up Jesus Calling, this book that I previously really didn't like came to mind.  So having that feeling from God, I grabbed the book and took it and Jesus Calling into the other room.  

I sat at a desk and opened up Jesus Calling to the day's devotion and God just spoke to me through the words on the page.  It's something that I've been asking Him and talking to Him about all summer.  It was something that was regarding the book that I didn't like; it was a subject that was preached about last Sunday at a church I went to; it was a subject that stuck out from a young group I attended last Friday; it was a subject that I have really been talking to God about a lot more so in the past 10 days; it was a subject very present in my life that has been very present in my life.    I was just wowed by God's ability to bring it all together here.  Through the text on the page, He answered questions that I've been repeatedly asking Him often.   Wow God!

I then picked up the SLI book that I didn't like.   And I opened it up and started reading.   I started making lots of notes in the margins and in between the lines.  God opened my eyes to see it in a new way, a way that I did not see it nine months ago.  Had Bryce made me redo my book report then, it would of not been much better. Why? Because my eyes had not been opened to see it as I now see it.   I am seeing so much more now.   I've seen so many revelations in the first handful of pages in this book.  Things that have never occurred to me are now just popping out of seemingly nowhere.  God is Good!  

So I'm looking forward to continuing this book and seeing what else God has for me.  Yes, I don't entirely agree with a lot of what the author is saying, but God is speaking to me through his words in this book, so I will keep reading.   I'm not going to tell you what book it is because I don't want to say "this book is bad" or "this book is good".   I didn't like the book then, and I still don't agree with much of it now, but most, if not everyone else in my class really liked the book and thought it was great.   God speaks to us all in different ways and I don't want to subconsciously sway anyone's opinions of the book if you'll have an opportunity in the future to read it.

All I can say is, "God, you A-R-E Good! I Love you Dad!"  

When I finished the Prelude and the Introduction I looked at the time and it was past midnight.  So I considered continuing, knowing that I really want to hear what else God is saying as soon as I can, yet I also need sleep.  Though I soon found that I was not that tired.  I went upstairs ate a small snack and looked outside in amazement of the beautifully calm, slightly misty/foggy night.  I suddenly had the urge to just go for a early morning walk.  I didn't actually go, but I would of loved to.  


The first test in "Metricizing" my car. 

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Published: BLOG BOOK

I know I probably mentioned this a while ago, but I don't think I added any pictures.  So For those who don't know, I ordered a book of my blog.  Blog2Print privately published my blog in a hard cover book 278 pages long.  It has every post I've posted (from the start of my blog/SLI (September 2015) to the end of SLI (June 2016)).  Not only does it include every post, but it also includes every picture in every post.

I really enjoy having it as a book and it gives me something to look back to.  I have recored on my blog over the past year things God has done in my life and I want to be able to look back and read about those things.   It's a 278 page book of memories, words from God and challenges.  I love it.

(The pictures are only a sampling of some of the pages inside)
(Sorry for the poor quality pictures, 5MP is the best camera I've got right now)

Update Tonight

Since having neck problems a few weeks ago, my dad ordered me a stand for my Laptop (at my mom's recommendation - Mom's always watching out for me :) ).  That way I look straight at screen rather than looking "down" at it and straining my neck.  He also got me a bluetooth keyboard with it, so I didn't have to type with my hands up high.  I am very thankful for these.  Though they only came yesterday, I've put them to good use and they really help.


I've been working on a thing we started in SLI called Old Testament Survey but that we didn't have time to finish.  Bryce showed us how to log on to the account and finish them up.  I was gone for some of them too, so it's a good time for me to catch up on them.  I would like to have them all done before we start serving this Monday, but I have 10-15 left.  Each on ranges from 35-55 minutes long.  It sometimes takes me twice as long too, since I have to stop it often because I'm taking a lot more notes than what come up on the screen.  I tried to get one done tonight, but as soon as I started I really started feeling sleep hit me from the day -which makes since considering the day I've had.

USA to Canada

Well, it's been a long day.  I woke up this morning at 12:30am (went to bed at 8:30).  I had asked God again to grant me double portion of sleep and to keep me awake and focused as I drove today.  He granted me my wish.  Though I've been up since 12:30am (with less than 4 hours of actual physical sleep), I am only getting really tired now, at 8:00pm.  I've had no naps throughout the day nor anything of the sort.  God has blessed me in yet another handful of ways.  

I left grandma's house at about 1:20am.  I've found that I can much easier stay awake in the wee hours vs. the afternoon and evening of a day.   I crossed the border into Canada at 8:20am.  At the border the guy seemed a bit skeptical, but let me through - praise God.  I told him that I am living with relatives and will be volunteering at their church till Christmas.   He had lots of questions, he saw I had lots of stuff with me and I had a really shaky (and nervous) leg.  All these things probably made him all the more suspicious.   But God didn't want me to have to be searched, so he let me pass through, thank goodness.  I was making good time and I didn't want to stop.  During the 10 hour drive, I only stopped 3 times.   To my surprise, diesel was cheaper than gas as soon as I crossed the border.   I hope it stays that way for the next ten months :).  

To stay awake I had copied a set of "Bible On CD" Cd's to my iPod (NT only).  I listened to the New Testament for the first five or so hours, then as it started getting light, I switched over to "Blessed Child" by Ted Dekker, an audio book my dad and I had started on our trip down to Texas.   I was about an hour away from the Baxter's when the book ended, so I started one of Steven Furtick's podcasts, but due to pausing it often for lots of direction changes (with the GPS), I didn't get very far into it.  

Now I've mostly unpacked. Mostly, yes it may seem like I still have a bit to do, but I'm mostly unpacked.  I'm thankful that the road here in Crosshill has been repaved and nice side walk's have been added.  I took a quick walk on them this evening.  

Another thing I'm pumped about being here in Canada is that I can easily go on a walk without the super hot temperatures of Texas (around 100*F/38*C every day) nor the ridiculous humidity of Illinois (at times nearly 90% humidity).  I really enjoy my walks.  I've set a goal that I really wanted to do last year, but I never got around to doing.  I want to be able to walk to church and back (it's about a 30 minute drive each way) by the end of the year.

Also, some trouble I had once I crossed the border was with my phone.  Over the summer I switched my flip phone to my grandma's old on - a lot newer (my 3rd flip phone).  However I had some trouble with it and worked with Verizon to fix it, and good thing I did to, because it turns out they've changed they're rules and my "new" phone won't work in Canada.  So I called them to figure out if they had any that would.  They said that they have two flip phones that will work in Canada.  So I bought one of them.  I really like it, it has a ton of cool features, is water proof, heat proof, drop proof and is set to military standards.  It has a larger screen and is able to hold a 32GB micro SD card (I have now put all 12 hours of the Extended Edition of Lord of the Rings on it plus one of the Extended Editions of The Hobbit).   Anyways, I crossed the border and tried to text some friends and family to tell them that I safely made it and everything.  The problem was my phone kept telling me "No Service" or "Unable to find Service".

So when I got back to the Baxter's house, I started live chatting with them via their Live Chat on their website.  Come to find out that it should of been shipped out with a SIM card, but it apparently wasn't.  The didn't know why.  Yes I bought it on Amazon, but I bought it straight from the company.   The lady said they could ship one to someone in the states and they could ship it to me.  I fought them a bit on it with the argument, they said it would work, it doesn't so they should send a new one directly to me up here in Canada.  They said something about company policy that they can't ship international.    But I didn't give up.  

After a lot of back and forth between me and the Verizon agent, it seemed there was nothing she could do.  So I asked to talk to a manager.  After going though a similar, though shorter, thing with the Manager, we worked out a deal.    He paid a little over $23 to overnight ship it to my grandma's house in Illinois, and then he credited my account $30 to cover the cost for my grandma to overnight ship it (or whatever is fastest with $30) to me up in Canada.  I'd say I'm impressed with how they handled the situation.  No I'm not too thrilled that I'll be without a phone for a few days, but it's life and were all humans.   I'm thankful that I didn't give up when it seemed that the first agent couldn't do any thing.  She kept trying to get me to get a new plan up here in Canada until I get back (all of which are a lot more expensive).  

God is Good all the time, and ALL the time, God is Good!

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

There & Back Again

Good bye Illinois! Tomorrow I head off to Canada once again. Yes I'm looking forward and am pumped for the year to come up there, and Yes I am sad that I have to leave Illinois and Texas. I have been torn with two homes, two of families, two countries, and two kinds of friends. I love all y'all whether I'm come'n or leave'n, and I look forward to life God has planed for me! I hope I can stay awake for the whole trip up there (about 10 hours), and I pray that I don't have any trouble at the border.
Look out Baxter's, Here I come!


Budgeting: I spent several hours last night before going to bed, trying to get my budget straight (again - it's probably the 6 or 7th hour in the last week). Then I woke up this morning realizing that I had dreamed about not being able to get my budget figured out. In my dream I spent the entire night trying to figure just a few things out on my budget to no avail. Thankfully my budget is going better than my dream seemed to think :).

Sunday Supper

Sunday Night, the Schlipfs', David, Jonathan and Mikayla came over to Grandma's for supper.  It was great to see my brother's again before heading off to Canada, and it was wonderful to all be together for a meal, talking and just fellowship!   I'm so glad it worked out for everyone this time!


Sunday afternoon I did a bit of packing my stuff into the trunk of my car.  Time here in Illinois is running out and I need to figure out how I'm going to fit it all in my car... and not look suspicious to the border guard.  There is someone at my church up in Canada that I'm selling my china set to, so I had to figure out how to fit it in my car.  When I came down from Canada, I had nearly an entire mini-van trunk full of stuff.  Yes I did get rid of some of it, but there's still quite a bit left.   Though I'm hoping most of it will sell once I get up to Canada.  

Monday: I spent much of the day Packing again.  I got my main (Very Large) suitcase in the back seat, along with a tub of clothes and the china.  So I'm happy about that.  I think, there's a chance I can fit everything either in the trunk or the back seat.   - I'm hopeful.  And I'm also praying that they won't ask questions at the border.  

Today: I plan to finish up my packing.  I still have to figure out where a lot of things go and if I'm keeping them or if they go to Salvation Army.  

Wednesday: If everything goes as planed I hope to be on the road to Canada tomorrow.  

Grace Pres.

Sunday Morning I went to Grace Pres. again (for the 2nd time).   I attended the Collage Sunday School class this time and it was the return from school class.  It was basically an outline of what the next seven months of teaching are going to be, but there were a few other things as well.   I also really enjoyed  the service, God spoke to me during the worship and the message was just as good!   There was a different pastor there (it was a pulpit swap) and I really, really enjoyed the pastor's message.   I love it so much, when I got home I downloaded a number of podcasts from this pastor.  

AC Young Group Blast

Saturday Night I went with my cousins to a sorting distribution center with their young group and neighboring city's/town's young groups from the Apostolic Church.  It was actually quite fun, and I was kinda sad when it was over for the night.  We spent an hour sorting clothes, as boring as that my sound - but it was fun.   I also suppose who your with.   I have to say, my view on a number of things was changed that night.   I met a lot of those people for the first time, some of them for the second time, and I really felt like I fit in.   I felt like I had made some friends pretty quickly, praise God.  

Then after sorting clothes in Goodfield, we went to Morton to Justin Koch's house for the rest of the evening.   Justin and Marcia prepared for us a ton of food and we sat around talking for a while.  Then some of us guys went downstairs and found they had a pool table.  So, naturally, we stated playing pool.  The team I was on wasn't doing too well (I'm not that good at pool), but we won because the other team pocketed the 8-Ball in the wrong pocket.   Then, since more guys had come down, a few guys taught us Amish Pool.  It's a really fun, around-the-world-like pool game, that goes quickly and is a good workout.   We played a few games of that, but then I took off.  I headed to grandma's from their and the Schlipfs went back to Gridley.

One Marathon To The Next

Last Saturday I spent the day at the Schlipfs house (cousins).   In the morning, I watched the first disc of the first The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey Extended Edition.   In the Afternoon, I watched the remaining two discs in The Lord of the Rings (The Return of the King) Extended Edition with Bethany, Jesse and at the end, Renee.   It was a blast.  Yes our marathon took a week to finish (though only 3 days of watching) due to scheduling, but it was a ton of fun and worth it.  Now we are trying to find a time for a full The Hobbit 3-movie Extended Edition Marathon & the Full 7-movie Star Wars Marathon!   What fun!!!

Saturday, August 20, 2016

Talk With God

Thursday night I was at Grandma's house in Princeville and I felt that I just needed to spend some time with God.  So I got my bible, notebook, pen, water bottle, a few Kleenex's and then on second though I brought the whole box of tissue papers (a good thing too).  And I tuned most of the lights off and just sat praising God.  I turned off some worship music and told the Holy Spirit that I'm here ready to hear Him if he speaks.   I started with Holy Spirit and put it on shuffle.   It's cool how God plays the shuffle just the songs I needed to hear at just the right time and in the right order.   It was a powerful time in His presence.   I was greatly convicted, challenged and felt my need for Him even more so.   He showed me His love and himself even more so as my dad, my father, my comforter and my Lord.   He spoke directly to my heart.

I was singing, "I want more of You God..." and He said, "Oh a lot more is coming..." meaning further down the road.   He reminded me of trials ahead but that He would be there and carry me through them.  He won't let Go.

At one point, I didn't even feel worthy to speak (or declare) a word that DESCRIBED Him.   I didn't feel worthy enough to describe Him as "Good,"   I tried over and over and each time there was just so much weight to the point I was slumped over in my chair sideways.   I'm not worthy.   Then I kept trying to say, "Jesus."   It was just so hard for it has so much meaning and power and weight.   I am not worthy!

He spoke to my heart something that I have questioned before and my heart has greatly desired to hear the words He told me.   I've desired this for sooo long!!   He was talking about Aunt Jane (for those who don't know, her health isn't very good and she is in the hospital) and he said, "She is mine."   I dug into that with questions and He replied, "She's mine, the devil fought for her but she's mine, the grave has overcome!"   Praise God!  Hallelujah!!!  He told me that her time had come and that she would be go tonight (in death or in another sense, I do not know).  

I was at a point where I felt the presence and power so much and the prompting to declare things over certain people.   I declared in faith that an unsaved family (that I know) would be touched by God tonight in the name of Jesus, for there is power in the name of Jesus!  He told me that He is there with them.  I declared over a friend (who dose not know the Lord) in faith and his family that they would be touched by God and He said that He is there.  I declare in faith that healing would come to anther person I know.  

He keeps telling me (and has been telling me - upon my request) on who He wants me to vote for.   I asked Him to show me who to vote for (if anyone).  I want His name to be lifted up through all that happens! Glory be to God and God alone!  

He gave me the powerful reminder that "This is not my home."  Heaven is my home."

He confirmed things that I've asked Him to confirm and things that just needed to be comforted about and reminded of.   God is good.  (This is such a good reminder:) He said to me, "Trust me, for I will work it [what He's said] out on my own time frame."  - Ironically this is one of the things similar to what He showed me at the Young Group gathering Friday night.   God is good!

Multiple times during this experience, He reached over and hugged me and pulled me up against Him, just as a dad would do with his little child.  Whenever He did this it opened the flood gates (seemingly) of tears and emotion and the feeling of unconditional love!   "There's nothing like His embrace."

By the time all this was over, I was thankful I had brought the whole box of tissue paper over, for I had drenched several dozen Kleenex's.

This all was much needed!!!
I miss you God (when I am not fully open to you - who is with me always whether I realize it or not).

The Rest of the Day

After retuning to grandma Baurer's house after lunch, I spent a good amount of time updating the blog and such.  Then I drove 90 minutes to Gridley to spend the weekend with the Schlipfs (cousins).   On the way I got to listen to a recorded Impact Sermon (Podcast) from the first week in July (I think). {for those who don't know, Impact is Koinonia's High School Youth Outreach}   It was called, "No Longer Slaves" and was based on the song No Longer Slaves (my personal favorite).   It was really good and powerful.  Then I followed it with the song No Longer Slaves two times, and God really spoke to me during that time.  Then I restarted the sermon and listen to that for the rest of the time.  

 Once at the Schlipfs, I got some time to do a bit more catching up on a class we did in SLI last year called Old Testament Survey.   We didn't quite get through the whole thing so we get the ability to finish it online.  I'm hoping I can get the rest done in the next week (I've still got a lot that I want to do yet).  

Then we ate supper, and shortly after, Bethany, Jesse and I headed off to their Young Group gathering in Gridley.  It was a large group tonight of about 31 people.  I have to say, I was impressed.  It was a lot better and a lot more fun than I had expected.   God challenged me a lot and I learned more ways how to study the Bible, how to see God and how to understand Him more - all of which were not what was taught.  God just showed me some things that was not being verbally taught to everyone.  Thank you dad, I really appreciate it (and LOVE it).

After the "lesson" we had snacks and talked a bit.  I started to get to know one of the guys particularly.   Then someone brought out a chess board - that just rose my unofficial excitement and fun level 10x.   I watched a few games (helping some) and it was so great - A ton of FUN!  I would definitely go again.

We got home around quarter till eleven pm.   We talked a little about our schedule as far as when we were going to watch the rest of the Lord of the Rings movies and we concluded that we would get up in the morning and do it.  That we would go downstairs and set up everything tonight and start first thing in the morning.   However, once we got everything set up, we just decided to watch an hour of the next disc, till about midnight.  Well, we ended up watching the whole disc, which ended at 1:13am.  That was okay though, I am still quite awake.  


It is now 1:13am.   Just moments ago we finished Disc #5 of 6 of The Lord of the Rings Extended Edition Trilogy (Disc one of The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King).   Our "Lord of the Rings Marathon" that we started earlier this week was delayed due to some every-day-life scheduling issues.  Now we plan to finish it.   The current plan is to finish the final disc (about 2 hours) tomorrow.   If we have time, which I doubt we will (though I hope we will) I would love to then quickly start a  The Hobbit Extended Edition Trilogy.  

Friday, August 19, 2016

Purpose For Studying The Bible

"The primary purpose for studying the Bible is NOT to accumulate trivia, the primary purpose for studying the Bible is to let it change you.  Let the word become flesh inside of you; it's for me to be transformed by the word of God.  Why? Because its God-Breathed!  Too many people study the Bible and don't let it change them.  They can win Jeopardy, they can answer all the questions and yet they fail at life.  Why? Because.... The purpose of the Bible is to get into us, were to meditate on it until it transforms the way we think, until it transforms the way we live.

Therefor as you read through Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and those guys, step back and erase the name of Abraham and sometimes you will see yourself; take the names off the stories and view them as humans just like you because that's all they are: human beings that tapped into something of God and learned something through their life experience.

Corinthians states that 'these were all now written for our example,' we learn through these guys."  

- Old Testament Survey, Lanny Hubbard (Portland Bible Collage)


So, as I posted last week, I went to Prompt Care for my neck, back and head.   I've had a lot of pain in those areas.   Prompt Care gave me some medicine that really helped, but after I stopped taking the muscle relaxer pill, I felt more pain again.  So upon the advice of family, grandma called her chiropractor to see if he could fit me into his schedule.  Fortunately he had one that afternoon (Thursday).  So I went and I have say that it was the first time I've ever gone to a chiropractor, and I didn't know quite what to prepare for.   They chiropractor was AWESOME though, a real friendly, people-person guy.  He seems very much into helping people more than making money.   He explained everything he did and educated me a bit on what, why and how he did everything.   He said he wasn't going to do as much as he normally does, just because it's my first time and my bone's haven't been adjusted for 19 years.  

Well I he answered some questions that I didn't even need to ask him.  He found out that my hips were each shifted in opposite directions causing my right leg to be 1.5 inches longer than my left.  That would explain why my left foot keeps slanting inwards when I walk - which isn't any fun.  So he popped my hips back into place, plus he popped a lot of bones/joints or whatever in my back back into place.  He thought that some of the more major ones out of place had been like that ever since I fell and cracked my sternum about 4 years ago, which would explain why back pain has been ever slowly getting worse (on and off) over the past years.

He also readjusted my neck, arms, legs and fingers.  I have to say, I felt (and feel) 10x better now, I have a lot less pain in my neck, though it's not completely gone.  But it's so much better! Praise God!  Strangely enough, I even feel a bit taller, and the chiropractor said that had so much out of place, that I'm likely 1/2 - 1 inch taller now.  Plus, it feels so much easier to walk.  What he had described what walking would feel like with one leg longer than the other was exactly how it felt walking; like walking with only one foot on the curb.  

Deals & Family Fun

After school visiting, blog writing and budgeting, I headed to the bank then back to the shop.  Seeing that they weren't done with my car yet, I took a short walk through town.

When I had taken my car to the Shop in Princeville, they mechanic said that they couldn't work on the headlights because 1) to replace the headlight would cost $144 + labor, 2) replacing the headlight may not fix my problem, and 3) they didn't know much on foreign cars and said to take it to an expert and/or a dealer, both which would likely cost a lot more.   My dad then suggested that I take it to Dan in Tremont and have him take a look at it.  Good think I did too.  Come to find out the first 15 years of mechanics for him were Only imports (foreign cars).  So he was able to get into it and do the work.  He said that it was difficult since VW makes it hard to get to the light, he had to take off the bumper and then pull out that whole end of the car, then he was able to get to the light.  With all that work, he replaced both headlights and one high beam, plus readjusted the angle of the lights for only $106.66.  That's a lot better than Princeville's $140/light + labor.   God is Good!!!

I pulled out of the shop a little after 11:15am and I rushed back to Princeville.  I made it to Princeville by noon and met Grandma Siebenthal, Rosie Siebenthal and all her kids at Sprinkles for lunch.  Sprinkles is Princeville's newer ice-cream shop that also has good sandwiches and salads.  I've probably only seen the kids once or so in the past year, and I thought it would be a bit awkward to eat with them, but as soon as they found out that I had seen the new Star Wars movie, all that was gone. Haha, it was great, they are so into Star Wars and know everything about it.  Caleb was telling me all about these new books on lightsabers, and all the Star Wars stuff.  At least 2 of them were waring a Star Wars shirt, and Caleb (who was waring a Snoopy Shirt) was telling me all about his other Star Wars shirts.   This is clearly something they are passionate about.   They're all over the 7th movie, and had many questions about what my favorite scene's, characters, and actions were.   Oh, it was so much fun!   We talked nearly the whole time on Star Wars, haha.   Oh it was great!   It was so nice to be able to see them before heading back to Canada, it's something I'd been hoping to do, and praise God I was able to do it.  Thank you grandma for inviting me, and for buying us lunch!!!!  I loved it!!!!  And I hope to be able to do it again soon.  I love spending time with family!!!

Sigh... Budgeting

Today while I was waiting for my car to get out of the shop, I spent more than an hour trying to get my budget worked out.   I've saved up a good portion (though not complete) of money to support me next year, and today I was telling YNAB (You Need A Budget - program) to only give me the amount I calculated I would need each month.   I figure now that I'll need $600-$675 each month to cover gas, rent, car repair funds/emergency funds, clothes and such.   However, since I don't yet have all that money, I had a difficult time to get things to add up correctly.  I think I have it now, hoping that I can get $500-$900 before heading up next week.  But if not, it'll have to work out, it always does, God's got His hand on me, He has a plan.    It was kinda fun doing it, though it was a bit frustrating getting it to add up (that is until I realized that I was adding wrong, haha).  

To Tremont Again

This morning I got up at 6:00am and got to Tremont by 8:00am.  I dropped off my car at Miller Automatics (in Tremont) to have the headlights checked.  One headlight is out, and the Brights are the same height as the lights should be (the lights are lower).   So basically, I have no Brights.  So I dropped off the car and walked across town to the High School.  I had missed Jill Hellrigel (and found out today that she wasn’t in yesterday) yesterday when I was here visiting teachers.   It was good talk to her again and caught up on each other’s lives a bit.  We talked for nearly an hour.  On my way out I stopped and talked to a few other teachers.  Then I walked to Eli’s (Coffee Shop), got a Mocha Latte and sat down to write this post.  

While I was there I found out some new things about the school.  For one, which I am jealous about, every student now get’s their own Laptop (for the 4 years), when they graduate, they have to return them.   But they get to take them home, use them in school and everything, it’s theirs for High School.    There are a lot of ups and downs with the whole thing, and I’m sure there will be a lot of changes to the whole thing further on in the year.  


Yesterday was pretty busy.  I woke up at 5:00am (which is a little too early sometimes) and left grandma's house shortly after 6:00am.  I drove an hour to Tremont to meet a guy to sell a Chest protector.  Then I went to the High School to visit past teachers.  A lot of those teachers are really good friends! Praise God!  While I was there I also delivered a bunch of soda to my Special Ed teacher there, Mrs. Gonigam.  Its special soda, her favorite, Diet Cherry Vanilla Dr. Pepper.  Dr. Pepper doesn't sell this stuff this far north.  I've only seen it down in Texas.  And come to find out, the major-ish city we are next to in Texas, Waco, is the Home of Dr. Pepper.  So I stocked up while I was there and brought her some back.   It was great to see a lot of old friends again.  I plan to go back today, since I have to drop my car off at the Tremont Shop today.  

It was also sad to see my dad go.  He left to head back to Texas today.  He came back with me and has been working here in Illinois, but now he returned home to Texas.  I miss all ya'll down there!

Past Week

This past week I've got to spend some good time with my grandma Baurer.   She (thankfully) has put me to work doing stuff other than just sitting around trying to sell stuff.  I've got to do a large variety of things in her home.  From painting the walls to changing lights to taring off dying trim on her table.   From computer help to furniture moving to a bit of carpenter work.   I've been privileged to help her with just about everything it seems.  Oh, and we got the pressure washer working; it's the same one that both our cousin's and my family tried and couldn't get it working.  I didn't do anything special, I just added gas and oil and she purrs like a kitten (well kind of like a kitten with a cough), but she works great.   Praise God!  Grandma got some pressure washing done and found how hot the pressure washer gets.   It burt a hole in the garden hose.   Now when we use that hose while using the pressure washer, it sure waters the grass, trees and plants around it well.   We are all human and make silly mistakes all the time.  And you know what, I thank God for that.  It's a way He uses to teach us.  Whether it's costly or just a day-in day-out silly thing, it's a great learning experience.  

Aunt Jane

Wednesday Aug 17, 2016.   Jonathan and I went to visit Aunt Jane.  For those who don't know, my great aunt Jane, who was in the same nursing home as my grandpa, was moved to the Hospital Sunday.   Apparently her health had gotten a lot worse, and she couldn't eat.   From the picture I received from hearing how she was prior to seeing her myself,  it sounded like she was close to dying and wasn't doing well at all.  That isn't necessarily the picture that Jonathan and I got when we saw her.   Yes her body was in bad shape and her health wasn't that good, but her spirit was high.   I've never seen her so positive before.  In the nursing home she was able to smile and laugh every once in a while, but she complained a lot and always wanted to go home to her house.   Now, while we were there, she didn't complain even once. She was positive the whole time.  When she didn't have something to say or didn't know what to say she would add, "well I better hope so, their [doctors] getting paid for it."    Though she had a harder time speaking, she was able to think and her mind was quite sharp.  Yes I don't know how much her mind was fully there, but she was there enough to carry on conversations.   During out talking of memories of her and our childhood time when we'd come to here house, she laughed a lot and had some good comments.   She was smiles all the way.  If this is her time, God's given her the overflow of peace that many people have been praying for.  Praise be to God!  

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

From The Past, To The Present And Towards The Future

One year ago today I was accepted into a 10-month program at a Canadian church called Servant Leadership Institute. It was something that scared me to death and I only applied for it because I felt God telling me to. I didn't really want to go, but it was a miracle that I was accepted. It was a life-changing year that I will never forget. God opened so many doors and slammed so many shut that I had nothing left to do but praise and thank Him.
Now in less than two weeks I'll be starting another 10-month program at the same Canadian Church called Servant Leadership Institute Year 2 Volunteer Program. At first I again didn't want to attend, but I applied because I felt that God told me to. Now I'm sure that this challenging, stretching and God-focused year will continue the life-changing track. Now I can look forward and in my lack of vision and understanding of the next ten months all I can do is trust, praise and thank God!!!

Monday, August 15, 2016

Car fun

Today my car was fortunate to get a dent in the side.   It got backed into, accidentally.   It's okay with me, it could of been a lot worse.   The way I see it, God blessed me with such a car, and now I get the opportunity to bless others.  "Do unto others as you want done to you."   If I had backed into someone's car I would of loved it if they had just waved it off (from the heart, and not just on the outside appearance),  So I'm just waving off this accident.   As my dad reminded me, "God's just keeping you from becoming proud of a nice looking car."   Haha,  yeah, though I still think it looks nice.   Glory be to God!!

LOTR Maraton

We started our Lord of the Rings Marathon today.  We had a little trouble setting it up, I brought my dads old projector and screen so we could watch the series on a bigger screen, but we could only get the power button to work on the projector.   After lots of work (I have the videos on my laptop, but I didn't have the dvd's with me), we got a projector from Steve's work and used it connected to Bethany's laptop (mine wouldn't connect to it).   We started the first movie, and got through part of the 2nd disc before we stopped - Bethany had to go to work.  We might finish it up tonight and tomorrow.

Sunday, August 14, 2016

Big Event Eve

Tomorrow starts a really fun day again.  I'm at the Schlipf's house (cousins) and tomorrow morning we are going to do something that we've been wanting to do for a long while, we are going to start a Lord of the Rings Marathon (both our families were out of town when WCIC did their's).   Due to our different work/school schedules, we are going to try to get all 6 discs in over two days.   This is the Extended Edition, so its nearly a full 12 hours of Lord of the Rings!!!!!  8:00am tomorrow morning!!!!

New Car

Well, Yesterday (Saturday) I officially bought another car.   Though I've technically had 3 cars prior to this one (2 limos and 1 echo) they were all in my dad's name.  This one however is in my name (if that really at all means anything).   It's a 2004 Volkswagen Passat Diesel TDI (Turbocharged Direct Injection).  It (only) has 247,000 miles on it, and God has blessed me so much with it.  As I have said (in more detail) in previous posts, God blessed me so much with such an awesome deal (only by the work of God).   Not only that, but I've found out so much more that has been done to the car in prep for selling it to me; it has new shocks, a new steering wheel, recently fixed heater, and much more.   Also the owner went and got the tires rotated, bought me a new set of special oil for the car and gave me 3 new oil filters for it.   I look at all this and can only conclude God!   God's hand was, is and will be on this.   God blessed the previous owner, and the previous owner then used God's blessing to bless me.   God is Good all the time, and all the time God is Good!!!

Prompt Care

As I said in an earlier post, we (my dad and I) had another stop on the way to grandma's.  I've had a lot of neck pain the last few weeks and the last few days I've had some upper back pain.  Friday, for the last 5 or 6 hours of the trip, I had a growing throbbing-like feeling in the back of my head.  I told my dad about it and we prayed.  I felt like God said for me to have it checked out.  We were going to see if I could get an appointment on Monday, but after the throbbing feeling got worse, my dad thought I should go Saturday.   God, however, then told me that I should go right now, Friday night.  So we stopped at a Prompt Care in Peoria and had it checked out.  The doc was really nice and he was super friendly, likable and knowledgeable.  We didn't tell him that I had spent the last two weeks spending a lot of time looking down at a computer (I was selling a ton of stuff via Craigslist) nor did we tell him that I spent the last 13 hours driving.  He came to these conclusions on his own.  He said that because I've been looking down at my computer so much, I may have bent, twisted or snapped some muscle strands or something in my backbone, therefore causing pain in the upper back, neck, shoulders and head.   He game me some pain killers and some muscle relaxers.   Since then my pain is still existent, though it's much more bearable.  Praise be to God!!!

Good Bye Texas

10:00pm Thursday night - I got to bed.  I knew that I needed to get up around 3:00am and leave at 4:00am the next morning and then drive a few hours.   So I asked God for a favor, I said, "God, if it's your will, will you give me double sleep tonight? If it's your will, will you allow me to be awake for driving tomorrow?"  I knew that I would only get about 4.5 hours of sleep, and I always try to get 7-8 hours.   Praise God, He said "yes".   Rested assured, (no pun intended) I drifted off to sleep.

3:00am Friday - For the first time in a long time, I woke up & got up on the first alarm to go off.   Praise God I felt rested and to the point that I felt like I got 9 hours of sleep (double sleep)!   I finished loading the van and got ready to leave.

4:05am Friday - I drove the van out of the driveway (with my dad in the passenger's seat).   We drove to the nearest gas station and toped off our tank (which was almost empty).

4:15am Friday - We left the town of West, Texas headed for Illinois.  We had a ton of fun driving, every two or three hours we switched drivers, and had some good conversations and got to listen a lot more to the audio book we started on our way down to Texas.  The books is one by Ted Dekker called Blessed Child.    We still have a few hours left in it.  

11:45am Friday - We stopped in Springfield, MO.    If you remember, on our way down to Texas we had lots of trouble and spent a few nights in MO, one of them in Springfield.   While were in Springfield, I had posted my China Set on their local Craigslist.  Thursday night (the night prior to leaving Texas), a lady emailed me asking me if I was still in town and If I would sell her just 3 of the 55 pieces from the set - she was in Springfield MO.  I told her that I'm in Texas, but would be driving through Springfield on my way back to Illinois, and I could meet her then.  She agreed and we set up a place and time (the time actually turned out to be a few hours earlier, since we made better time than I had expected).  Praise God!!!   But not only that, she offered (and paid) more for the 3 pieces than I paid for the whole 55-piece Set!!!!!

After we left Springfield, we found out that the Sclipf's (cousins) were on their way home from vacation in MO, and were just an hour ahead of us on the road.

5:30pm Friday - We arrived in Tremont and met David and Jonathan in Morton for dinner.   Then we headed off to Princeville to stay at grandma's.

9:30ish pm Friday - We arrived at Grandma's house.  For those who don't know, Princeville is only about 40-50 minutes away from Morton, where we ate.  So we had a stop on the way home, I will explain that in a future post.  Either way, We made it all in one piece and quickly.  It was only about a 13.5 hour drive!!!! Normally it takes a lot longer than that - God has His hand on us!! Praise God!

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

New Blog Updates

For those who haven't noticed everything yet, here's everything new about my blog.

- Obviously the background of bookshelves is no longer here and has been replaced with clouds.  
- I updated the Blog description at the top of each page
- I added several tabs at the top of each page (below the blog description).
--> There is a "Conversation" tab, where you can just talk, ask questions or just about anything - I love to hear from you guys.
--> There is a "Prayer" tab, where anyone can share prayer requests, talk to each other and pray with each other.  The prayer tab is a place where we can go and unite together as a body in Christ in prayer for one another.  Matthew 18:20 states, "For where 2 or 3 are gathered there I am also."  I believe that is not just in the physical sense, this is a place where we can gather together in prayer.
-->  And There's a "Pictures" tab.  This tab will periodically be updated with random pictures.  For more details on what kinds of pictures, visit the page and it will tell you the kinds.
- Also, if you would like to receive email updates every time I add a new post on the right hand side closer to the top, there is a "Follow By Email" section.  I don't believe these emails will do the posts from the "Conversations" Tab or the "Prayer" Tab, but it should do the main posts.
- Right below the "Follow By Email" section is a Translation option.  If you would like to read my blog in of 100+ languages, you can do so.  Note: the translations are likely google translate and therefore may not be the best translations, but it's a cool feature non the less.

As before, below the Translations option is all of my past posts in Chronological order, sorted by month and year.

Monday, August 8, 2016


Got to try a Rabbit Burger tonight and taste a shake consisting of banana, peanut butter, peanuts and bacon - the bacon and banana were really strong - it was Abi's 2nd time getting this shake.  Next time I get to go to this restaurant I will likely try their buffalo burger - but if Ostrich is in season, I would like to try their Ostrich burger (or if any of their other unique animal burgers are in season).  

An Email from the President

You know, it's not everyday that you receive an email from the President of the United States.   I know that I sent him a message a while back, but I can't remember what I had said.  He finally must of sifted through the who-knows-how-many millions of emails, which explains why it's been so long for him to reply.   I don't know if it's actually from him, or if it's from a secretary or someone, but all together it's pretty cool I think.  I should print it and add it to my collection with the several letters from the Queen of England and the Prime Minister of New Zealand.

(This picture is a screenshot of the email)

Sunday, August 7, 2016


Watching the Olympics.  I'm starting to realize that large events that spark passion, patriotic feelings and competitiveness are not healthy.  They get people into bad habits of sitting in front of the TV for far too long on a dangerously unhealthy regular basis.  If it only happened once a year, I think that'd be okay, but there's Olympics every 2 years, and yearly there is NFL, NBA, NHL, NCAA and so on.  TV companies have found how to keep people glued to the tube day in and day out all the time.   Just my view.  

I've got several people lined up to buy a handful of things this week, a $40 set, a $45 table, a $5 set and possibly a $5200 truck (though I don't get $5200 from it :) since it's not my truck that I'm selling) and possibly a $250 stabilizer.  I have posted several dozen things for sale, and still have a number of things to post.   I'm praying that God will continue to bring in the resources for next year.  He has blessed me so much, Glory to God!   I'm still hoping to get several Thousand dollars to provide for next year.  Including Car funds, I've got almost $4,000 in the past month.  I'm predicting that I'll need another $2-4,000 for next year.   I would also like to build a decent repair's fund for my car and fuel fund for in Canada (1. Canada fuel is a lot more expensive and 2. Diesel is often more expensive).  God let your work be done!  Teach me through this, and Thank you for your provision!

John 6:8-9

John 6:5-9 (NLT)
5Jesus soon saw a great crowd of people climbing the hill, looking for him.  Turning to Philip, he asked, “Philip, where can we buy some bread to feed all these people?” 6He was testing Philip, for he already knew what he was going to do.
            7Philip replied, “It would take a small fortune to feed them!?
            8Then Andrew, Simon Peter’s brother, spoke up. 9“There’s a young boy here with five barley loaves and two fish.  But what good is that with this huge crowd?”


Notes within my bible:
"The disciples are contrasted with the youngster who brought what he had.  They certainly had more resources than he did, but they knew they didn't have enough, so they didn't give anything at all.  They youngster gave what little he had and it made all the difference.  If we offer nothing to God, he will have nothing to use.  But he can take what little we have and turn it into something great."