Thursday, January 25, 2018

Health & Alergy Shots

Health wise I am still not at 100%.  I've had a dry and sore throat for the past week or so and it is no fun at all.    I am wondering if it may be caused by the medicine I am taking, but it's too early to tell for sure if that is it or not.  Either way I don't feel fully functional, even though I mostly am.   I am still praying that this sickness or whatever it is will pass.   Because I have not gotten fully better since Christmas, I have been unable to get my allergy shots.   Right now I am over 3.5 years (out of 5 years) into these shots and I get them on a monthly basis.  One problem is I was suppose to get my shot the first couple days in January, over three weeks ago.  The other problem is, due to safety and health reasons, they won't give me the shot if I even have a small cough - I've been turned down before for that.  I have to be in FULL health before they will give me my shots, with good reason.   However, since Christmas, I have not been in FULL health, thus I am getting close to being a whole month behind on my shots, I don't know what they will say, but I know it will put me back a ton.  They do have some limit, that if I am late too much or too long I have to start the whole 3.5 years over again.  I am hoping that this won't be the case, and I don't think it will be a huge problem.  But I am praying that my health will return, not only for the shots, but also because it is quite miserable at times and is not a pleasure to have.

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