Thursday, January 18, 2018

A Day At Collage

School.   Tuesday was my first day of school for the spring semester of 2018.  My day started out Great!   I had my The Bible as Literature class first thing (11 AM - 12:15 PM).  The professor/pastor is really good.  Since we are at a secular school and I doubt he is allowed to "preach", he is very open.   He stated clearly that when he is talking about the Bible he is not saying it is truth, nor is he saying it is false.   He is primarily saying the Bible is really good literature.   And the way he does it is amazing.   He says his belief but offers that anyone can disagree with him and that is okay.   He also made note that a lot of people have had a wide range of experiences and thoughts on the Bible.  He told us to put those aside and let the text speak to and we can draw our own conclusions from there.  I am really looking forward to this class.   Over the next 16 weeks we will go through most of the Bible.  We started in Genesis this week and we will end with Revelations.  

Fifteen minutes after that class ended I have a class several buildings (and blocks) away in the Child Development Lab.  This class is CHLD 109 or Observation and Assessment of Young Children.  It was okay.   There will be quite a bit of observations in classrooms and such which is a bit intimidating but so what, I'll need to do it any way and it's not that bad.  Though it was a bit odd, the class atmosphere I mean.   I was one of two students.  That's right just me an another girl and the teacher.    One girl is in the hospital, and the other has never showed up - it's possible she dropped.    Still it was quite different, though it means a lot more one on one time and more flexibility with the class.

After that class ends at 1:45 PM, I have an hour and forty five minutes to eat lunch and take break or do homework.  Then I have another Child Development class from 3:30 PM to 4:45 PM.  This class is CHLD 105 or Early Childhood Curriculum Development.  Walking out of this class it was really had to think positive thoughts.  It was very intimidating and seemed way too overwhelming.   It appears that I wasn't alone in that.   After the class I think one of my classmates dropped the class, dropping the class from 5 people to 4.   I am the only guy again in this group of four (plus the teacher).   In this class we will be developing, learning and writing lesson plans and executing them in a classroom. The professor is also nice but firm on things.  No late papers.  Each day an assignment is late, 10% is docked, and after 3 days late it's an F.   The teacher also made it clear that falling behind is not allowed.   Meaning there is so much that we go through, there is no time to fall behind.   The problem is I am already behind.   There was an error on the Syllabus that I didn't know was an error - though just about everyone else found out the right answer.   It said that there was no textbook required for the class.  I was excited about that!   Except come to find out I do need a text book and each class we will have a quiz over the next chapter.   Meaning today the professor let us do a group discussion for the quiz since I didn't have a book and therefore couldn't read the chapter.  Though I have one ordered.    ----    Though I have to say it was different today.  On Tuesday I felt really overwhelmed by this class and I was dreading coming today.  Yet today I felt a lot more peace about it and a bit of excitement.   It will be a ton of work and tons of reading, which will be really hard for me, but I think I will like the class more than I first thought.

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