Friday, January 5, 2018

2017/18 Sickness

So once again, it has been a while since I poster - without reasonable excuses.  Since a few days after Christmas, I have fallen into a sickness of some sort, and over the past week or so I’ve had plenty of time to blog and I didn’t.  I am sorry.

I’ve been staying with my Grandma Baurer since Christmas.  She looks we both were sick this past week or two and still are.  We think she may of had the flu, but the doctor we went to said they wouldn’t do a flu test.  Since extended families on the Baurer side headed back to their homes, a handful of them have fallen into this sickness.  However it’s not just our family, but (from what I’m hearing) it seems like everybody and his brother has picked up some sort of sickness.  Well, not quite that many people, but it sure seems like it.  I had an observation-interview with the Child Development Lab at Heartland Community College on Wednesday morning (I am seeking employment there this semester) and I had to cancel because I was sick.  I wrote them an email and told them I wouldn’t be able to make it because I was sick.  The lady emailed back very understanding, saying that the sickness had took down a good chunk of her family too. Hopefully I will be able to go get another interview soon.

I also had to skip my monthly allergy shots as they won’t give them to me if I even have a slight cough - for safety reasons - the injections mixed with a sickness could cause a dangerous reaction.  So whenever I get better I need to get that done - which will put me behind on schedule for it.  So be it, that’s part of life.

Today I have shortness of breath, I get worn out easily and a bit of a sore throat.  You His trend has been going on for several days now.  Two days ago I picked up the trend of getting headaches in the evenings and every now and then throughout the day.  And last night as I was about to head to bed I had some really sharp chest pains.  I should be use to these by now, I’ve had them for years without the slightest clue of what it is, but it really took me off guard as I haven’t had them for 4-6 weeks now, probably the longest period I’ve gone without having them.  Anyways I took my inhaler last night (I like to think that helps, I don’t know if it really does or not - at least consistently).  I had a small chest pin through the night and a bit this morning as well.

I also have noticed poorer sleep the last two nights. I’ve been waking up a lot throughout the night (which is very unusual for me, I am a very deep sleeper) and I’ve had some really sad dreams.  Well not all I would say are “sad” but I really don’t like most of them (which is also unusual).  And I’ve had dreams where I wake up with such strong emotions that my first response it to figure out what the emotions are before I let them frustrate, anger, or confuse me any more.  Okay wait just a moment there... one I can struggle sometimes with being able to put my finger on specific emotions that I’m feeling, Two I’ve almost never have been very expressive with my emotions (am I right mom?) - well recently I’ve been getting better, and three, at whatever time in the wee hours of the morning if I am not planning to get up my mind isn’t able to function that well - at least I did think so.  But the last two nights when I’ve woken up with these emotions, I’ve been able to diagnose some of them and process some - I am a slow processor (it’s a work in progress) and struggle with processing a lot.  But I’ve been able to do some when I don’t want to do some upon waking up at night.

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