Tuesday, January 16, 2018

The Bible In School

Today is the first day of the Spring Semester of my first year in college.  I am taking only three classes this semester (9 credit hours).  I am taking Child Development 105 and 109 and Literature of the Bible (Religion 260).   I am most excited about the Literature of the Bible class.  The professor is the Executive pastor of a local church and has several Bachelor degrees from several universities.   As I was looking for what textbook was required for that class, I found that there are two required textbooks.  The first is a book called How to read the Bible as literature and the second is an English Standard Version (ESV) Bible!   Sweet!   I asked the professor via email if I could use the Readers Bible that I got for Christmas (a 6-volume set -- there are no chapters nor verses, it's the ESV Bible that is formatted as a novel).  He said I could, however I may want to get one that has verse as he will from time to time have students read aloud in class.  He also requires a ESV Bible that has no markings in it as I will be able to use the Bible on tests.    Hmm, funny.   I've never thought of using the Bible on an academic test before.  I like that!!!!  

1 comment:

  1. Your bible class sounds exciting Joshua! I would enjoy that too. Have you started the child development job yet? Wondering how it is going?


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