Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Playing Hooky

I stayed home playing hooky today.  I skipped my first hour class and my second hour class and I might even skip my third class.  Why would I do that you ask?   Simple: my second class is an out of class work day . . . and my car won’t start.  I had it hiked to Jesse’s car to jumpstart it for over 40 minutes and it still wouldn’t start.   Yes the battery did sound a lot stronger afterwards.  So it seems that the battery is not the problem.  My car also had this problem yesterday morning except when my dad warmed the car up it started.  Today has been a bit trickier.  At my uncle Steve’s suggestion, him, my cousin Jesse and I all pushed the car into the garage.  It was a bit of work.  (It also may be helpful to know that it is less than 10*F outside and we have 5-8 inches of snow).  Currently my car is in our garage with the hood up and a big tarp covering the whole hood area of the car, creating a tent-like area inside.  Inside this “tent” is a heater.   The thought is the fuel may have gelled up again like it did over Christmas.  It shouldn’t as I added a diesel antigel to the fuel last time I filled up.  But we will see.  If I can get it started I may take I may take it into a shop to see if they can find out what’s wrong with my car.  

1 comment:

  1. Bummer about your car Joshua. I hope the heated tent helps! I like the idea.


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