Thursday, January 25, 2018

Decisions, Decisions & More Decisions

So, through much prayer and thought, I did decide not to go on the young group missions trip to Mexico this spring over March Break.   I do have to figure out if I want to work over that week or not yet, as I had requested the week off of work prior to deciding not to go on the trip.  

I do have some short traveling options coming up over the next few months that I still am praying and thinking about.   From driving an hour and a half to both of my grandma's places, to traveling to a nearby state to spend time with relatives, to traveling 1,000 miles down to Texas to spend time with my immediate family.   I have put minimal prayer and thought into these and I hope to put more in before deciding on them.  I would love prayer for wisdom and guidance on these. (Just a thought I just thought of while writing this is, if any of this traveling would fall in either January or February, I am wondering if traveling would be considered a spending expense? I wonder that because I committed at the beginning of the year that I wasn't going to use any spending money for January or February.  I suppose I will need to pray and think on that as well).  

And to be honest, I am thinking about if I want to stay in the Gridley AC church or not.   I know I haven't really been going there that long, and time is a key part in all of this.   I feel that I haven't really connected well.   When you have someone in the Apostolic Christian Church who has grown up in the church and married someone in the church, there is little to no concept of not knowing anyone.   But not connecting well, is something that is likely to happen in any church, especially after only a couple months, if that.    I understand that this will involve time, and this will likely not happen overnight.   I know that I have connected better at other churches and I feel more comfortable at other churches, yet I really want to avoid comparing churches in the sense that they are all the body of Christ.  It's like a I once heard someone say, "We all have frosting on the cupcake, but we have different sprinkles."   This is not a salvation thing, it is not a life or death thing, it's a sprinkles thing.   Also meaning, it shouldn't be that big of a deal either way.   To be honest I'm not sure.   I know that God's shown me a lot by going to the Gridley AC church, even though I don't feel that comfortable there.  I know that God will work all things together for good for me, even if I stay in this church.    At this point, I don't know.  I want to stand confidently on one thing or another, but honestly I don't know.   I could also use prayer on this.  

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