Monday, September 5, 2016


Last night I was at Sierra Guderian's Going away party.  She (is a classmate from SLI) is heading down to LA to do a 10-month Internship at the LA Dream Center (the mother organization of the Peoria Dream Center).  It's hard to say goodbye to close friends but God calls us all to different places at different times.   We all had a great time and were blessed to spend some of Sierra's last moments in Canada with her.   She left this morning for LA and won't likely be retuning until Christmas.

Sierra, we will continue to pray for you as you are following God's call into another country for this short season of life.   You will be blessed, and are so blessed already.  Know that God is with you always wherever you go and whenever you are in need.  He is there when you think all is good and He is there when all seems to be crumbling.   God is so thrilled that you are listening to Him and His laughters of joy are so life-giving to hear. He has been waiting for this moment in your life and He won't hesitate to make it one that you will never forget.  He is excited to show you who you really are and things that you do not know that you love.  The life you are heading into will be a pivoting point for your life.  God's love and light are going to shine through you in ways that you cannot even imagine.   He will bring down walls and build up lamps to light the way for others.   He will open your eyes to see what He sees, He will speak to your heart words that no one has heard and He will fill your soul with wisdom from Heaven.   Get ready, for God's taking you on the ride of your life.  What joy will come from this; what peace will flow because of it; what hope will arise for what is to come and what revival will there be in that land! God is preparing the hearts of His people for the time is near when He will call out to His people and they will come.   Rejoice for the day is near, God is moving. His armies are lined up and ready for battle.  He is calling.  Go, go in the peace, readiness and the Love of Christ.  God said to Go into all the world and preach the Gospel.  Go!   Be blessed!  

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