Thursday, September 29, 2016


This past weekend I attended Encounter at Koinonia.  Encounter is a time Friday evening and All day Saturday at the church set aside to Encounter God.  You sit under powerful teachings, in environments that tune your heart to hear God and Spirit-moving Worship services and Prayer Times.  The next few posts will consist of some of the powerful notes God has spoken to me through this weekend experience.

The funny thing is I wasn't planning on attending Encounter.   Not only that, I didn't realize that it was last weekend.  I had thought it was a month or so from now, when all of a sudden all last week, people are talking about Encounter and I found out that it was last weekend.  I figured, yes I would like to go to it, but it's kinda late and I can't really afford it.  It was $40, and I didn't have room for that in my budget.  Come Wednesday, less than 2 day prior to the event, I got an email sent out to all church staff informing us that registration for Encounter will now be open until Thursday night.

While doing Dishes Wednesday night, I was hit with a thought, "ask God".  So I did.  I asked God if I should go to Encounter.  He immediately responded with an, "Absolutely."  The way He said it was as if he were saying, 'why would you not go? I will be there, you will experience me, why not.  Am I not wort more than all your money?'   So right after dishes, I went and signed up online.  I figured I could due without a month or two of something else in my budget to experience God in a deeper way.

As I was driving home Friday night, one of my first thoughts was, "what I experienced tonight alone was worth more than my $40.  What I experienced tonight alone I would of paid $120 for a ticket for." In fact, I would of paid my entire bank account for it.

God is Good!

During all of this weekend and what's happened since, I've found the KEY to Hearing God is 1) have an open heart and 2) come expectant to hear from him.

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