Thursday, September 29, 2016

God's Words to my Life

Saturday afternoon; Encounter:

During a breakout session of quite time with God (60 minutes) I wasn't awake the whole time. During my sleep, God gave me a vision of something like an analogy or something.  He showed me a kids puzzle of shapes.  He said, "don't put the circle where the square goes and don't put the square where the circle goes. If they would fit in that slot they would have to be forced and they  would only be temporary fro that is not where they were intended to be.  Once they are in the right place they will be permanent and solid, for that is where they were intended to be."

I had no idea what this was suppose to mean.  After this period of time alone with God, was a time of prayer and worship.  I finally felt God prompting me to go ask one of the facilitators to pray over me that I may know what this means.  So I did.  As the facilitator's were praying, God told me that the puzzle pieces were gifts I have that He is yet to show me.  But I am not to get them mixed up with Gifts I think I have now.  

God has a plan for me.  He has a great things in store for my life and here within the house (Koinonia; God's church).

During the time I was balling my eyes out from the words that God was speaking to me while the facilitators were praying over me, God gave a word to one of the facilitators and he spoke it to me, though he did say that he doesn't know what is going on in my life, nor what I am going through, but he felt God telling him to tell me this: "Rest! There are things you have been praying about.  God says that He will work and is working.  He will do them, show them, reveal them in His own timing.  You can wait and rest! Rest!"

This really hit me hard, for there have been a number of things that this spoke right into. One being my visa.  Canada has told me that I am not eligible to apply for an application right now, and that has really got me worried deep down.  But the words that God spoke to me reminded me of words He spoke to me months ago, "Wait, for I am with you.  I will protect and provide. Wait."  God is soo Good!

Another facilitator felt that God was speaking to him other words I need to hear. He told me that when I pray for wisdom (which I do so, oh so often) I should hold my hands out together, like in a bowl, so that God may pour His wisdom into my bowl.

He also spoke to me concerning what He had told me the previous night.  About what I still needed to let go of in my heart.   He said, "Joshua, give me the wheel (of your heart/life).  I don't want to be the passenger give you directions.  I want to drive.  Give me the wheel."

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