Monday, September 19, 2016

A Word From God

As I said in my last post, I have been making time for God so that I will hear Him when He speaks.  And He will speak when I make time for Him and seek Him.  He spoke to me this afternoon.  Here is what happened:

I drove past a cemetery and asked God to show me what I like so much about them, what really gets me excited about them.  Why do I want to visit them?  He replied," it's where broken lives were sealed, it's where broken people lay (saved and unsaved).  It's where my children, my people lay (at this point His voice had tears in it, it was full of emotion).  I don't wan to see my children to die in brokenness.  Don't let them die in brokenness.  I want you to speak to the multitudes and show them the light.  Through me, lead my people out of death, don't let them die in brokenness." I asked, "Lord How? What do you want me to do? How can I do this?"  He replied, "Trust me.  I will be your safety and shield.  I will protect and provide.  I will be your guide. Trust me." "Lord, give me courage." "I will be with you. Trust me."

(Some of this He spoke to me while I was still driving and the rest (including the text below) he told me a few words at a time while I was writing this down)

"I have great plans for you, you will lead my people.  I have chosen you.  Guide them as I guide you.  Trust me." ... "You have fears, know that I, The Lord God Almighty, will make a way!  I am with you, and I will not leave your side, you are my child.  Trust me."

"Lives are going to be changed, a revival is coming, you will lead it. Trust me.  I am building an army that will soon attack the forces of darkness in ways it has never seen since Christ's Resurrection.   Prepare for war of war, for it is coming; Challenging Spiritual war is coming.  Trials will be known, Persecution will prosper, but know that I will reign.  My name will be known all through the earth.  I, the Lord, have spoken."

["Lord, How shall we prepare?"]

"Read my word, worship, be still and know me.  Listen for I am speaking.  A day will come when you will no longer be publicly free to worship me without persecution, but stay true to me and share my love and rewards will await you in heaven.  Be still and know, I am God!"

"Prepare by dedicating your time to me alone.  I am your strength, shield and guide.  I will protect you.  Seek me and I will reveal myself to you.  Fear not, for I am Love!  Fear not, for I am God!  Fear not, for I am Peace!  Fear not, for I am Joy!  Fear not, for I am life!  Fear not, for I am light!  Fear not! For I am, THE GREAT I AM! Trust me, Fear not!"

"Don't waste your time in money and material things that will not last, but invest in that which is eternal, in souls and lives that they may know me.  I seek relationship, life, love and obedience.  Trust me."

"Know that I AM God, and I, God the Father, have spoken."

"The things which  I have spoken of shall happen in your lifetime.  Live not in fear, but in joy, for many will come to know me and life will be given to them.  Life comes to those who seek it."

"My Holy Spirit, God Almighty, is with you, He is yours and you are mine.  Listen to Him.  Seek Him.  Seek His work, for He only speaks what I tell Him.  He is me and I am Him.  Trust God in 3 persons, bless our holy name, for I am your Lord and Father.  I am looking out for you.  Blessing and Honor will come to my name."

"Beware of false teachers and prophets.  For many will come in my name who are servants of the devil.  Know my work, know me and then you shall be able to know my voice.  And when you know my voice, you will know the false teachers and prophets when they speak.  For though they speak in my name, they do not know me.  Their names are not in the Book of Life.  Beware.  Know my word, know me. Listen to what I have to say.  Know my voice, Beware.  Prepare yourselves for the day of the Lord is near! He is coming swifter than time.  He, the Son, shall appear in the sky on a white horse to call His children to Him.  And His children will go with Him and all the world will know that I am God.  Prepare, Love, Grow and Learn.  Listen and Speak what I tell you for I am coming with the armies of heaven and you shall not fear!  I the Lord have spoken."


"Joshua, the cemetery is a reminder of this promise to you.  It is a reminder of what I've called you to do."


I asked why I like cemeteries and God answered.  Ask and you shall receive.  God will answer when you call upon His name.  God is Good!

Thank You Jesus!
Thank you Holy Spirit!
Thank you Father!

Your love is mighty and good!  Great is your name, be lifted High and Glorified!

I Love you!

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful and powerful, Joshua. Just like your namesake in the Bible,


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