After church I came home and took it easy for the rest of the day. I got some things done on the computer, played a little Minecraft again as a chill-time activity - and it was actually worth it this time! As second service was starting Jim, Laura, LuAnn and Leah went to a horse race. (I wanted to go, but I had to stay at church - I look forward to the next opportunity I have to go though). I was informed that if you want you can bet on the horses that are racing. So I gave LuAnn and Leah $10 to bet for me. I told them that I am counting it as a loss, but if possible I would like to break even and get $10 back. I also told them that I will give them 50% of the profit that they bring back on it, if they get any. So come to find out when Leah got home, she more than doubled my money, bringing back $22! So she got to keep $6 and I gained $6 profit for doing nothing - cool! Now I realize that if I had the opportunities, I would likely do this very often. So I only want to do this every once in awhile as a fun activity, not as a money making event (since I do enjoy betting-type things just for fun). I don't want to do it often for fear that I might either get addicted to it or that I would start using it as attempts to make a lot of money - that would be where it would get dangerous. I have no problem doing it though every once in a while as a fun activity, with the understanding that I will likely lose every dollar I put into it.
It was a good day! Praise GOD!
(Thanks to LuAnn for the picture)
This is the horse (#7) that won me most of my profit. Thank you Leah and LuAnn!
Glad you are feeling better. Congratulations on the horse race. :-)