Thursday, June 9, 2016

Spring Arts Festival

Last night was the KCA Spring Arts Festival and I was suppose to be on production, but due to the lack of an actual need I was in other places.  I handed out the programs at the door, sat (supervising) with the younger 3 classes, checked with backstage (no need there) and then got to sit and watch the rest of the program.   There was a song by the grade 5/6 class something like Thriving or something.   Anyways there was a line in it that really stuck out to me by what I’m going through in my life.  “Just as a flower or a bird, God takes care of us.” – something like that.   Hmmm how that really stuck out to me.   Also the violin solo near the end really sparked a lot of emotions and memories.  I had nearly my entire life return in little memory clips, from Princeville to the apartment in Texas to the house in Texas to the country house in Illinois to the town house in Illinois to the new Texas house and here in Canada (a bit).    The next song was a bit memory bringing but the violin music was so powerful. 

Afterwards as I was looking a all the kid's art, I was reminded of many memories.  But also, and mainly, I was reminded and shown how wonderful are God's gifts to His children.  He has blessed them with a mind to be creative.  And They were and are creative.  I was just in awe of what these Preschoolers to 8th graders were doing!   I do no know how to describe this awe, except to say that God is Amazing in His creation!    

Seeing all this art, made me go back to thinking and regretting that I didn't take more art while in High School.  I loved art, and yet I didn't take as much as I would of liked.   

As I wrote the above in my journal Wednesday night I didn't know what the next day would bring.   I won't go into details here - that is in another post, but this afternoon God really spoke to me about my love for art.  And I am only now seeing, as I am writing this, that God was preparing my heart Wednesday night for what He was going to say today.   I know I've said this before and I'll say it again, it's so weird and Amazing and Awesome how God works like that!

Sorry for the lack of quality pictures, but I only had my old iPod on me to take pictures with.   It's still easy to see how creative and awesome the work of these students is, Praise God!

...and these are just a very few of all the art work that was there...

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