Tuesday, June 14, 2016

So Blessed

I don't even know where to begin here.  ...   God has blessed me sooo much!   I received a package containing some letters from some very close dear friends/family.   Reading them brought me to tears, I am just so blessed by God to have such a relationship with these people.  I am so blessed to have this connection and openness with them.  I am so blessed to be surrounded by friends and family who love me and are willing to talk to me to encourage me, share their lives with me and just be my friend.   God has blessed me so.  I love hearing how peoples lives are doing, it encourages me and reminds me how thankful I am when I talk with my sister (which I do often), when I talk with relatives and with friends, particularly my classmates at SLI.    God is such a good father.  He is looking out for me.   I am so blessed, Thank you Lord!    I'm nearly crying just writing this, I am just so full of emotion for how much God has blessed me, how much He's using me, and changing me and the people that He's put in my life.   God is good!  I want to go on about this, but I feel like I am being repetitive, I just want to say how thankful I am.  God has blessed me beyond count with such an AWESOME Family.

Alongside that He has blessed me with AWESOME Friends!   My SLI classmates are basically my family, they are my best friends and have really touched my life in more ways than I can express.  They mean a ton to me and it makes me so sad that I won't be able to see them over the summer.   They bring joy, life and encouragement.  They bring love, excitement, and a fun environment.   Thank You Lord for the more-than royal gift you have given me, of letting me get to know these such awesome people.  I've had such a blessed year with them and it's sad that the year is coming to a close.   ...  here I go again, crying.   God has soo blessed me, I cannot express how He's blessed me so.   Wow, I didn't think I would get this teary-eyed writing this, haha, I guess that God is just showing me how much I love them.  How much I care for them and have been blessed by them.   They, my SLI classmates (Dana, Daniel, Amanda, Brooke, Ariel, Rosalie, Jasmine, Sierra, and Janette) have taught me so much and have a very special place in my heart.  They have helped me in so many areas in my life and are such inspiring, loving, caring, and encouraging.  They ....  they.... I will really miss them..... they mean a lot to me and I have loved getting to know them.   Again, wow, I didn't expect that writing this would be so hard to keep from crying.  I'm getting very emotional.   Sigh.... they are so precious and special.  They have made such and impact on my life and I just want to thank them for that!  Thank you SLI Class!   You have blessed me sooooo much!!!!!!  Praise GOD!!!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Joshua, you bless others in the same way you feel blessed. It is so amazing how our God works!


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