Tuesday, June 7, 2016

God Is Good

You know, God works in amazing ways. I just started our final book in SLI, "There's A Miracle In Your House" by Tommy Barnett, and I started it off feeling like this is going to be hard to read (considering the year is almost over & there's lots of distractions in my life) and this will be boring and such. I didn't want to read it, and I only started because I knew I had to for class and I had to start soon if I wanted to get the book report done in time. Simply, I was not looking forward to it.

However, before I got half way through Chapter one, I noticed I was getting really excited and energized and God was stirring something in me. And by the time I finished Chapter two God has spoken so much into me and about my life and what I'm going through right now, that I've already written 6 pages of my book report (that only needs to be 4-5 pages). Now I'm really excited to see what else God is going show me and speak to me about in the next eleven Chapters! It's so amazing how God can just speak to you and your life and change an attitude so quickly! Praise God!

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