Thursday, May 26, 2016

Twenty20 - The Weekend

So Last weekend out post-high school/college age group (~18-30) went a few hours up north to go camping for the weekend.  It was called The Weekend.   The Weekend consisted of lots of food, fellowship, worship, sessions and relaxation.   As you'll see in the pictures below, the cottage property that we were at had just about everything.  The family who owns it, is now using it to glorify God and His people.  Many camps and groups from our church are on this property.  Theres everything from hiking trails, a lookout over Lake Huron, volleyball, hammocks, rope ladder, swings, zip lining, trampoline, tight roping, indoor and outdoor games, a bush maze, and a lake for their canoes, paddle boat, kayaks, inner-tubes, peddle boat and more.   This place has everything.  There were about 80 of us there and we all slept in one of 4 cottages, 3 bunkies, 4 campers and a barn.  Guys slept on ones side of the property, girls on the other side and many adults, leaders and such stayed in the middle.   I was in a small bunkie with 6 other guys.    Overall, it was a ton of fun.  There were 3 sessions, all were lead by our new worship leader, JP Smits, and we had some awesome and powerful worship times, sessions and prayer times (I will go more in depth on this in a future post).   Some of us, on Sunday, went Hiking on some trails about 15 minutes away.  It was a ton of fun, we hiked on a 2-hour long trail, and had some fun "rock climbing" experiences.  For example, climbing under a number of tight rocks and dips.   The trail use to be called "Fat Man's Misery" and we soon found many areas to show that accurate.

Also Andrew Baxter drove 20+ hours from Texas just to come the the Twenty20 weekend.

(Thanks to all who took the pictures!)






Hiking view

Pre-Session Improv game

The barn. The top was a nice large living room-like place that housed 11 guys, the bottom was the place where we did our sessions, worship and such.

Campfire (post-sessions) and "Epic Story Time"

More archery



The Dock on the lake 

The upstairs of the barn

Fellowshiping outside of the barn (pre-session)

Worship Band practice



Swings and Rope Ladder

Post-Lunch instructions speech

Having fun

Campfire "Epic Story Time"

Hiking on the "Fat Man's Misery" trail

Playing with the kids


Game time: Human Capture the Flag (Amanda was one team's "flag")


Side trail of "Fat Man's Misery" trail.  It was a lot of fun crawling through this.


Some SLI's Chill'n


 More hiking


The Kuepfer's preparing the meals

More Hiking

Rope Ladder again...


Bryan giving us instructions post-meals

More Volleyball...

More Canoeing...

More tightroping...

Finding fun while hiking...

Ontario's Flower

Preparing to go Canoeing

The lake (almost the entire lake was only 3-10 feet deep)

Leah Baxter Zip lining 

While we were hiking we accidentally made a wrong turn and ended up in someones back yard...



The view over the lake at night



Mico, the family dog


Sunday Morning worship/prayer time down by the dock

Sideways zip lining

More pre-sessions inprov...

Another view of the lake and dock at night

Trying to set up a camper.  Some of the girls had decided to try to lift the top off, not knowing that you had to use the crank to lift the top up.  This cause a bit of trouble getting the camper back into a useable space.  

Zip lining

JP and his wife starting one of the sessions

The Hiking Crew

The lake and the dock during the day

Hiking "tour guide" - a ton of fun!

Hiking over water

Down by the lake...


Hiking crew again...

The Trail we were on

Bryce Snorkeling in the lake.

The lake...

Worship session

JP Speaking

Zip lining upside down

People just chill'n, having fun and enjoying the time

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