Tuesday, May 31, 2016


Thanks to everyone who has been praying for me.  Here is just an update. For those who don't know, I've been having constant sharp pain in my lower torso for the past few days.  I've ignored it thinking it was probably something I ate or a pulled muscle (though it felt nothing like either of those).   So Yesterday (Monday) afternoon I drove out into the country to the side of a back road to work on my book report (it removes all distractions, especially internet). I was on a ball, working faster than I have ever done on a book report before. Words were coming to mind and the applications were flowing fast.  In about 30-60 minutes I was able to get 4 whole points done with long applications - now that's fast.  2 or 3 time whenever I shifted position I felt a really sharp pain, but I ignored it and kept working.  As I was about to start my 5th point, The Holy Spirit spoke to me saying, "that pain can't be healthy. Go get it checked out."  I ignored that too, since I was about to do my 5th point.  He spoke again right as I started the first work of the 5th point, "Go now."  I replied, "no".  I really was on the ball and did not want to leave the moment.  A third time the Holy Spirit spoke, "Go Now."  Realizing He was right, I reluctantly left and went home.  And through His prompting I mentioned my pain to Laura and she thought it was my appendix. At the hospital we found that it was my appendix and that it was infected and slowly leaking (thankfully it hadn't burst yet). So we quickly went to the ER and within a few hours (around 10:30pm last night) I went straight into surgery. They cut me open in 3 or 4 different places and successfully removed my appendix. I was at the hospital recovering for only two hours before I was able to come home. We got home about 2:45am this morning, and I had a great sleep. This morning most of the pain is gone, though I am still sore. I did not go to SLI today, and I don't know if I'll make it tomorrow or not (I'm hoping I can make it). I'm not allowed to drive or lift anything heavy for a while but thats a given. 

Thanks for your prayers and I would appreciate it if you could keep praying for a quick recovery.

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