Thursday, May 5, 2016

GOD; My Future; My Calling; GOD!

Wednesday Night, prior to the start of the twelfth Session there was a time of worship.  During this time of Worship God really spoke to me, His presence overtook my body to the point that I didn't really hear anything else that was said that night.  I've never felt God's presence so powerfull, so present before.  What happened was very similar to what happened to me back in October 2015 when The Holy Spirit flooded me when I was baptized in the Holy Spirit (

As I was worshiping, my body started tingling here and there.  It started in the finger tips and it spread from there.  The back of my lower leg started to tingle, then my palms.  The tingling in my legs, hands and arms continue to grow stronger and spread.  Then my innards: my stomach, chest and internal organs began to shake, convulsing and shaking uncontrollably.  By this point I could no longer stand. I was forced down on my chair and by body continued to sake more and more, stronger and stronger, inside and out. I had my hands open out in front of me. the tingling was more than ever before.  I felt my arms starting to shake, more and more, faster and faster.  There was a point where I felt as though I was in a different body.  I acknowledged that my body was shaking, tingling and moving beyond my control, yet I felt that I was sitting there in an un-shaking body, in the same spot, same position, yet in a controlled almost spiritual body - it definitely wasn't a physical body.  It was a very weird experience.  It was as though I could feel the "physical"-ness of both my physical body and my spiritual body.

I then felt my fingers being pulled, guided. I let the Holy Spirit guide my hands, and they moved all over.  Then they were strongly pulled upwards. Up to the heavens. Then they slowly came down to either side of my body, pulling outward (arms still outstretched).  My fingers/hands on my body were pulling me in both directions.  Suddenly they were pulled backwards, toward the seats next to me.  I was pressed up against the back of my chair with my arms being pulled far out on all sides and against the chairs.  I felt as though (and heard in my head the thought that) I was on a cross, I was fully surrendered to God.  God spoke to me there and told me that this was a representation that I was going to be persecuted for Him in my future.

My hands were then pulled back in front of me.  Again, my arms were out in front of me, my fingers I felt in away moved in odd positions, as with my hands. Each finger was being pulled somewhere else.  My legs this whole time had been shaking uncontrollably.  After some time, I felt the presence of God not so strong within me.  When I "came to" and opened my eyes, my legs and hands were still shaking and jumpy for quite a while afterwards.  Life took a while to seem real again.  The presence of God within  me was so ... so... real like, that it was realer than life on earth.   And coming out of this realer than life experience took a lot of time readjusting to earthly life again.  I kept moving my fingers and hands around, trying to get use to using them again under my own strength. That took a while too, just actually realizing that my hands and fingers had been moving around so much without my will.  During the experience I tried moving my hands together with my own strength, and there was so much resistance.  At one pint my fingers touched and it was so unreal.  I acknowledged the touch, and yet I didn't since I wasn't really in that body at the time - it was weird.   Afterwards my hands and legs were shaking for nearly an hour before I regained full control over them.  My muscles hurt, it was very difficult to focus and there was still a tingling feeling in my finger tips.  My body was weak too, I could not move my legs or feet for more than an hour.  Life took so long to really seem real, it was at least an hour before a bit of real life focus came to me and at least another 2-3 hours before life really seemed more real, as it was before.  The experience also left me with a headache that was strong and sharp but came an went for about an hour.

During this experience God told me not to fear about the future; about next year.  Again, God told me that I am to be here in Canada.  But He also told me so much more.  He told me that I am to be in Koinonia, I am to be in Ministry, I am to be in/with kids: Koinonia Kids and KCA.  God told me not to fear about next year, for He is bigger and better and has a plan.  He told me that resources will be provided, a visa will be provided if I wait and trust Him.  He will be with me.  I shall not fear. I will go with His lead.

"To be absent from the body, is to be present with me."

These are the things I felt God saying to me: 

God is with me! God will be with me. You've got a plan for my life!

"You are my child" - God

My future is in your hands.  I will NOT Fear!
I will not fear! You are God!

I will wait on you

You are going to provide
You will bring the resources
You will bring the visa
You are calling me

I am here in Canada
You've called me to Canada
You've called me to Koinonia
You've called me to Kids
KCA, Koinonia Kids
You've called me to Ministry

I will suffer persecution
I will grow as you lead me deeper
You've called me to share your word 
To share your love!  For you are God!
You are with me! I WILL NOT FEAR!

You've put me here where you want me
You will lead me
You are with me
You will be with me

You are here, you are Moving, You are God
You are present. You are MY LORD!

You will lead me through the next step
in my life, you will guide me,
You will give me words when I speak
You will guide my feet when I walk

You are perfect in ALL of your ways
You are leading my family and I through/to
a new life.  I will not fear. I will not worry.
I will not tremble, for you,
You are, PERFECT in ALL of your ways!

Your way is Perfect, your plan is best
You are bigger, you are better. You are Good!
You are a good, good Father! That is just
who you are. Your are Good!

You ARE Good! You were good! And
You WILL Always be good,
For you ARE Good!


  1. Praise God for HIs work in you, Joshua!

  2. Praise you Jesus for your work in Joshua and for all the work you have planned in advance for him! All praise to you. Jesus!
    Joshua, thank you for sharing your experiences! So encouraging to hear of Gods amazing work in your life!

  3. I think this is so great you are journaling and keeping this blog, as you may need to be reminded of this experience and encouraged by these words one day when God takes you through the wilderness!


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