Sunday: The day stared off very rushed. I must of snoozed through one too many alarms or something because I woke up at 6:40am. I had to leave at 7:00am (I normally give myself 60-90 minutes at least to get ready in the morning). I am on Cameras this month. I needed to bring a few things with me too, that I still had to prepare before leaving: including a change of clothes and two meals since I was staying at the church through till Twenty20 that evening.
As I said, I was on cameras at church, so for both services I run Camera #1 (the seemingly less used camera, just because it is to the side). It was kind of fun, but also a bit boring. You have to be focused enough on the camera, yet you don't do much. Because of this I find it very difficult to focus on the message. I do like, though, that I get to partake in worship, since worship isn't filmed.
Right after both services I was suppose to meet a guy from Kijiji in the parking lot to sell one of my broken drives. The guy I was communicating with, via email, seemed to be in the wrong parking lot. Long story short, he was in the parking lot, but I had been communicating with another guy. I had forgotten that I was planning to meet two people in the parking lot (one for a broken hard drive and one for the drone). I didn't realize my mistake until after it was too late. So I never ended up selling either one.
So our whole class had prearranged to stay through from church till Twenty20. For the first hour or so after lunch we played with our Guatemalan instruments and practiced singing a song we made down in Central America. By the end we had a pretty good video (relatively) of the song with instruments. We do plan to re-film the video with a better camera since it was filmed with a phone.
At Twenty20, I was a greeter (which was fun) and then during the Word time I spoke for about 3 minutes. Saturday night, Bryan had messaged me and asked me to share for about 3 minutes about an experience I had shared with him that I had at the OBFF Conference a few weeks ago. When I had told Bryan about the experience it took me 30-60 minutes to tell, so it wasn't the easiest to share it in 3 minutes.
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