Tuesday, May 10, 2016

$1,000 Test

Upon realizing the damage of my drone and that I have absolutely no money to fix it, I figured that I should try to sell it.  As I was in my room, the Holy Spirit just hit me with a sight I haven't seen before.  I looked around my room and saw a number of valuable (ish) items that I don't use anymore.  I saw them all just lying around my room, unused.  The thought came to me, what a waste of money I've spent on all of this, only not to use it.  That money could have a much better use, it could be used to impact others, to bless others, to glorify God.  I thought on this for a bit and thought, "I should just sell it all."

Since I didn't want to make any rash, impulse decisions (since I was talking about $1,000-3,000 worth of stuff), I decided to pray about it.  That is when I decided to take my walk (a previous post). On that walk I spent a lot of time asking God for wisdom on if I should sell these things or not.  I had pulled them all out and set them aside.  Close to the end of the walk, I felt like God was saying that I should sell them, assuming that I keep to my commitment to God (that I really felt Him calling me to do): to give every dollar that I get for them.

You know, it weird like that.  I feel like God is testing me.  He is testing my trust of Him.  I've seen through a few other circumstances that He is currently testing my patience, and now it seems He is testing my trust.  I am very financially limited, in a different country and without a work visa (currently).  I know I've been called to Canada and God has given me some specifics on my calling.  I have no idea what I'm going to do financially next year though.  I will need a car, insurance, a phone, money to keep me alive, gas money, etc... and my savings will be dry by then.   And now I have an opportunity to potentially make a few thousand dollars and He wants me to give it all away!!???

God has interesting ways of testing me I must say.  He has clearly told me that He will provide.  That I have nothing to fear, nothing to worry about.  So I believe that He is seeing if I will trust on my own attempts at income or if I will trust what He has told me: that He WILL Provide!  

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