Those who live in the shelter of the Most High will find
rest in the shadow of the Almighty. This I declare of the Lord: He alone is my
refuge, my place of safety; He is my God and I am trusting Him. For He will rescue me from every trap and
protect me from the fatal plague. He
will shield me with His wings. He will shelter me with His feathers. His
faithful promises are my armor and protection. I will not be afraid of the terrors
of the night, nor fear the dangers of the day, nor dread the plague that stalks
in darkness, nor the disaster that strikes t midday. But I will see it with my eyes; I will see
how the wicked are punished. If I make the Lord my refuge, If I make the Most
High my shelter, no evil will conquer me; no plague will come near my dwelling.
For He orders His angels to protect me wherever I go. The will hold me with
their hands to keep me from striking my foot on a stone. I will trample down
lions and poisonous snakes; I will crush fierce lions and serpents under my
feet. The Lord says “I will rescue hoes who love me. I will protect those who
trust in my name. When they call, I will
answer; I will be with them in trouble, I will rescue them and honor them. I
will satisfy them with a long life and give them my salvation.