Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Guatemala Day 2

Yesterday was our first day of ministry!   We went to our first school, about 300 kids, ages 7-15, and did a session there.  The session was as follows:

-       Introduction: Oto, we each say our names, and Bryan give a little intro
-       Game: Flamingo Warrior (which the kids seemed to love)
-       Dance: Cha Cha Slide (which the kids seemed to also really enjoy doing)
-       Songs: (I don’t remember the names of them, but we sang them in Spanish)
-       Skit: Sin Chair
-       Life Verse: Daniel talked about his Life Verse and how it related to the Skit
-       Skit: Fear, sleeping
-       Lesson: Amanda – David and Goliath.  Included a little skit where a small boy was asked to come up and represent David and I was Goliath.  The boy then used his “sling” to knock me down representing how God can use small people to do big things.
-       Dance: Cha Cha slide – they got a lot more involved this time
-       Prayer: Brooke
-       Closing remarks: Oto

Oto, Liz and our host, Hector, were our translators (mostly Oto and Liz as leaders of the team).  The second school we went to was only about 70 kids, mostly younger.  We did the same thing as the first school, minus the Cha Cha slide and a few different presenters. 

The second church/school we went to was the Church Under the Bridge.  It was a massive bridge – super tall, and the building was right under it.  It reminded me of the Church Under the Bridge in Dallas.  After the lesson, the pastor told his amazing story on how he started the place and some trials he had.  In both schools, after the kids left, we laid hands on the leader(s) and prayed over them/for them.   After the story, we had lunch and then got ready for painting.  We started painting the outside of the school and a room inside the school.  It was a lot of fun.   After all of that we piled back into the van, and came back to Ruth and Hector’s place for supper, Debrief, and Devotions as a group.  



More Pictures from Throughout the day:

The "court yard" at one of the schools we were at.

The kids were so cute.

The entire school (the younger kids are on the right out of the picture).

More kids.

Daniel and Hector 

Doing a song for/with the kids (in Spanish)

Another song...

Sin chair skit.

Fear skit.

Rosalie, Ariel, Brooke, Janette, Dana, & Jasmine.

Oto translating for Brooke.

Oto talking to the kids.

More kids...

The view from the Church Under the Bridge.

The kids.

Bryan introducing our team.

Doing Flamingo Warrior (a game).

The kids getting into the fun.

Liz translating the story of David and Giolioth (in the background).

Oto with the Pastor and his wife

The view behind the Bridge Under the Bridge.

The school.

One of the kids with Amanda.

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