Monday, March 7, 2016

Prayer Request - Honduras

Today we went to a community center in a poor area in the mountains of Honduras and talked with the leader.  He told us all about the community, it's needs and strengths.  I ask that you will pray for this community specifically!  They are in need of a well, and the papers with the government are overwhelming and hard.  The process has been more than 4 years on just getting permission to build a well, let alone pay for it.  Pray that God will grant them the permission today! That those against them will fall for our God is Greater!  He can do all things!  Pray that God will Bring walls down, and open doors for opportunity and provision; that His hand of protection will be on them; That the people can have clean, flowing water!  Please pray that God's will will be done, that the light will push back the darkness, that the demons will run and flee, for THERE IS POWER IN THE NAME OF JESUS!!!! 

In Jesus Name we declare that God's people are provided for and are under the Fathers wings!  We declare that no evil will conquer His people, that He alone is the Father, the almighty, the overcomer!  Lord Provide for you people please!   I pray that you will overwhelmingly provide your blessings on this community! In the name of Jesus!

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