Monday, March 7, 2016

Honduras - Dangers and Rewards

So most people may not know some of the "dangers" that we've taken here in Honduras, but we've survived and have found some rewards in them.   I am only going to mention two of the main "dangers" (if that's what we want to call them) below.  First off, and I found this fascinating, but the airport that we landed on when we flew into Honduras was the Second (2nd) most dangerous (& challenging to land on) runway in the WORLD!  Why? Because it is the Second (2nd) shortest runway in the World!  We noticed that had our plane not stopped as quickly as it did, we would of had quite a tumble off a small cliff onto a highway below - the runway literally ends on the edge of the cliff!   I know, Cool, right?!!  Secondly tonight we went to a church in more of the downtown area.  I was told that the area that we were in was one of the most dangerous place in all of Honduras.  At the church we did a few songs, then the guys and girls split up. The girls talked about truth and us guys talked all about.  I shared my testimony, Daniel shared thing in his life and spiritual life and Bryan, Oto and Dale share some things too (Oto was the translator).  Then we opened it up for the guys to talk and share their lives.  We had a number of guys talk about their lives, experiences and bible verses - It was powerful! Then Bryan opened up the room for prayer requests.  A man has been out of a job for 2 years and another who hadn't accepted Christ yet.  After we prayed, I was privileged to be with Bryan and Oto and the guy how wasn't saved and his neighbor.  The two guys came and the neighbor asked if we could pray for his neighbor's father and that his neighbor wanted Christ in his life. Hallelujah!!!!  As we were praying for him, God showed me the great view of his name being written in the Book of Life and He showed me the entire night sky filled with angels shining, singing Hallelujah and singing praise to God for another one of His children that was lost is now found!!!! Praise God!! So even in the area of potentially great danger, God is moving!!


  1. Praises to the great Yahweh!!

    (maybe David needs to be a pilot in Honduras --- he would LOVE the danger element of the landings!)

  2. Oooh, I love that vision of being shown his name written in the Book of Life as he prayed to accept Christ as Savior!


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