Monday, March 7, 2016

Honduras Day 3 - Missions trip Day 10

So we got up this morning and were out of the house by 8:00 am.  We went up the mountains a school of about 600 kids (k-6).  It was really cool and a lovable place (with very lovable kids).  When we got there the grades 1-3 were just about ready for us.  So we did one of our programs and the kids got really engaged and into it - it was great to see. The program skit was Sin Chair, with the David & Goliath lesson (and a 'slingshot' prop was added - a sock with a tennis ball at the end).  Then we headed over to the other side of the compound to the kindergarteners and went into 3 different classrooms.  We sat in the back as a few teachers talked to the kids and then sent them to the tables. We spread out among the table to help them with their craft and memory verse.  Their craft was putting the wool (cotton balls) on a picture of a sheep.  We had to help them spread out the cotton balls and then place them on the glue on the paper.  It was so cute.  We did this in all 3 classrooms.  Then we went back over to the other side of the compound where the grades 4-6 were almost ready. We then did our program - this time with the Life House skit and the other lesson.  Then we got to play with all the kids - it was a lot of fun again!  A number of kids kept pulling me in both directions and found great joy in doing so.  Then we went up to another classroom for lunch. During lunch it started pouring down rain (you must understand that this part of Honduras normally gets absolutely no rain from November to May, and this is not the first time it's rained since we've been here).   So we realized since we were going to be stuck at this school for a bit because to the rain (we couldn't leave till the rain stopped because the terrain was risky: mud slides, etc...).  So we got the whole school (grade 1-6) assembled under the main area and we did a makeshift presentation.  Things kept getting changed due to the unexpected things, the super loud rain on the tin roof and things like that.  Afterwards we got to play with the kids some more!

Then we went to a community center in a poor area and talked with the leader, who told us all about the community and the communities needs and strengths. Please keep this community in your prayers!  (talked about in another post)

Then we went back home, but on the way, keeping the "tradition" we started in Guatemala, we stopped for some Honduras Ice Cream! Yum that was good.

Then we went home for supper before heading off to a church for some ministry (talked about in another post).  It was powerful.

Then we came home for the usual debrief, orentation and prayer time. God is moving and God is Powerful!

On the right side are the two other cars that went with us almost everywhere 

More Pictures from the day:

All the kids from the first group lined up.

Dale and Dannyel (one of our translators - I think he was only 17 years old).

Bryan and Oto.


In the classroom, and helping with the craft.

Two kids with Brooke.

Ariel and a girl.

Me and one of the kids.

Janette helping a kid with the craft.

...And Jasmine

Lifehouse skit.

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