Monday, February 15, 2016

The Gospels

1.     The Gospels
a.     Why four Gospels?
                                               i.     Each writer had a large volume of material to pull from
                                              ii.     Each wrote with a specific reason
                                            iii.     Each wrote to a specific audience

b.     Characteristics of the Gospel
                                               i.     Most of the stories are not chronological
                                              ii.     Two words regarding these stories
1.     Selectivity
2.     Adaption
                                            iii.     The one event that all four give the most attention to is the “Passover Week”
1.     The book of Matthew: ¼ dedicated to the Passover Week
2.     The book of Mark: 1/3 devoted to the Passover Week
3.     The book of Luke: ¼ devoted to the Passover Week
4.     The book of Johan: ½ devoted to the Passover Week

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