Thursday, February 25, 2016

Missions Trip Prayer Requests

Wow, time has sure flown by. We leave for Guatemala and Honduras in about 60 hours (Saturday morning we leave the church - the plane leaves mid-afternoon).   As we prepare our hearts for this 'adventure' in our lives, we could use all the prayer we can get. Not just before we leave, but also while were there.

I asked the three missionaries we will be with for specific prayers, they are listed below:

Anthony van Engen (Guatemala)
I would say for mentalities to be broken. In particular a poverty mentality and for people to have more of a desire to live. Life here some times has so little value and most people just live for today. Also for greater vision and the desire to see the vision become reality.
And for the 20 kids we have in Casa Espeanza [their kids program]
Hector Aragon (Guatemala)
Traveling mercies and for the ability to communicate the wonderful News Dale Ruttan (Honduras)
We've recently hired 5 new Honduran staff for our Bible classes. Pray for an anointing on these guys as they start this week to teach. Pray for our 10 new public schools that begin these Bible classes this week. Pray for ears to hear His Word and salvations throughout the year.
Pray for our family. My mom in kitchener is currently dying of cancer. We are here. She is there. We would love to be with her in her final days, but this is where God has us at this moment. Pray for peace and comfort as we go through this time.
Pray for daily protection over our team. 

As for our team:
- Safe travels including flights and daily ground transportation to and from ministry sites - Wisdom and strength for our team leaders - Unity and grace as a team ministers cross-culturally - Favor with our hosts, ministry partners, and the communities in which we will be visiting - Physical health of team and national hosts - Effective ministry, partners encouraged, lives touched by the love of God and Gospel advancement in each community - Courage and boldness to use the voices that God gave us when and where He wants them to be used - Anxious thoughts and feelings will be overcome by the understanding that God is there and God has a plan - That everyone we come in contact with, everyone we interact with will see God's love in us: in the people we sit next to on the plane; bus drivers; street vendors; kids; leaders; people at the Airports; etc... - That God's hand of protection would be over us and the mission areas we are at. - Border crossings would go well, and smooth - Most of all, in everything we do, that is done or that will be done, that God's name will be glorified!

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