Monday, February 15, 2016

Spiritual Warfare by Dean Sherman

Here are just a few quotes from Dean Sherman's Book Spiritual Warfare (For every Christian    -   How To Live In Victory And Retake The Land).

"We must keep our focus on God's priorities, as Jesus did when He was on earth."

"Satan preys on those who do not know their position in Christ or their relationship with God. To say we are Christians is not enough.  We must believe God in His declaration of who we are.  We must know and believe what the Bible says about us in order to live out that reality and walk with authority,"

"However, it's not enough to read these Scriptures.  Christianity is not one-dimensional. It has never been enough to simply believe in a set of doctrines written on a piece of paper.  What we believe, we must also live out. We must embrace these truths, believe them, and learn to sit with God."

"Every morning we get out of bed and determine to act: to do things, to accomplish goals, and, hopefully, live a fruitful day, one moment, one decision, one action at a time."

"He [Jesus] has done what He has done, and we can only accept it or reject it."

"God does indeed understand our struggle, pain, and grief, but He intends for us to live in victory, not in defeat."

"When it comes to sin, either we stand against the enemy or we stand with him."

"Satan really does have a plan for our lives. Christians need to be aware of this - aware, not alarmed."

""Keep your eyes on the devil." For most of us, that is an uneasy prospect.  Somehow, we have believed that if our eyes are one the devil, they can't be on God.  But we can all come to a place where we are constantly aware of the living God, while being aware of that the enemy is doing, too.
      If I were in the middle of a battle, with shells exploding around me, I might approach the colonel and say, "I see there is a war going on. Who are you fighting? How many of them are there? What are their objectives? What are their movements? What kind of ammunitions are they using?"
     What if he were to answer, "Well, ed don't worry about the enemy.  We don't like to discus him much.  We don't know where he is or what he's doing.  We're just shooting our guns and lobbing our hand grenades.  Why, today we've shot off 17,000 rounds.  Isn't that exciting? Aren't we doing well?"  ...  We must keep our eyes on God, and without fear, keep our eyes on the enemy as well.  We must know where he is and what he is doing."

"God is a creator....  We who are created in the image of God are also creators.  God gave us active imaginations."
"He gave us imagination for faith.  Faith is imagining what God has spoken as though it were already complete.  When we see it done in our minds, we have faith."

"Maybe church needs to be less ceremony, and more like a support group.  God never intended us to live out our Christianity alone, without the support of others.  We are part of God's family.  We have brothers and sisters who love us, and want to support us in our struggles and trials.  And we must do the same for them."

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