Friday, February 19, 2016

My Class is a Blessing From God

Last night as I was lying in bed, God was showing me tons.  I don't remember the last time I cried so much.  God was showing me how thankful I am for what He's done.  How He brought me up here to Canada and all that He's done for me here. He gave me a glimpse of what I could of become had I not followed His call for me to Canada - and it was not all that great.  Though the key thing that He showed me, and kept reminding me of was my SLI class.  How thankful I am/should be for them.  I have never (ever) had a group of friends like this before. I have grown up with three 'close' friends from 5th grade through 12th grade. But close to the end of the year my senior year they took a different path, and I lost my best, closest and longest friends.  I still had friends, but not too many "close" friends like I had prior (with the exception of Family).  The experience of losing my greatest friends secretly wounded me, deeper than I knew myself.  God showed me that I may not of ever been able to get friends as close as I had because I was so wounded (unknowingly) and my life would have been lacking so, so much.  But I now have these friends, my SLI Classmates.  I have never had a group of fiends like this before: so close and so God-focused (not to mention so many).  I have truly been blessed!  & along with that God has shown me that through it all, He has shown me Himself more, so much more that I now see Him as more than my Fathers; more than my God and Lord, but now I see Him as my Friend as well.  Unknowingly I was crushed inside by the loss of 3 Best friends, but because I trusted God, He has given me 11 Best friends!  Thank you God!  I don't know how I can express how glad and thankful I am and how meaning full my classmates are to me.  Thank you class for being in my life!  Thank you God for being my friend!


  1. That's so encouraging, Joshua! And a reminder that following God's call, even when afraid of the change or unknown, brings exceedingly more than expected!

  2. I think we're all wounded in one way or another and it's so refreshing that you're able to recognize it and talk about it (or I should say WRITE about it!). I'm amazed at God's goodness in leading you to SLI and giving you so many great experiences. So cool.


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