So I joined a Small Group from Eastview Church (one of forty) and were were going to meet on Friday nights, but do to people's schedules it was moved to Sunday nights. . . and yesterday was Sunday. Thus our first night of Small Group was last night. Our group is all guys and ages range from high teens to low to mid twenties. oh, and there is only five or so of us. Our leader is 22 or 23 I believe. We met at our leader's (Ryan) home, well or his parents home - he lives in their basement - in Normal IL, just a couple minutes from church. We met at 8:30pm.
I really enjoyed it. We have started a seven part series called Frequency by Robert Morris - the Senior Pastor of Gateway Church in Dallas Texas - Ryan (our leader) use to attend Gateway when he lived in Dallas. I love Robert's messages, so I was excited to start a video series by him. The first video in the series was called "I am a Sheep" - all these videos are free on podcast or Gateway's website. It looks like this series will be digging into hearing God's voice. At first I had some prideful thoughts go through my head that I already know how to hear God's voice - since Robert started out nailing down that God still speaks to us today. But I felt that was just my pride that I am working to let go of - and I am seeing that I will be learning a lot in this series. After the thirty to forty minute message, Ryan put on some instrumental worship music and dimmed the lights. He gave us 10 or so minutes to write down what we think we hear God saying about this message, or whatever else we think He might be saying. God showed me a picture (on the Apple TV Slideshow Screensaver - a video actually) of a road in a city. I felt that He told me that He was taking me down a new path of hearing His voice. I felt some anxiety about it, which surprised me but I also felt a peace and life in it. So I am looking forward to what He shows/teaches me. After the 10 or so minutes the lights came back on and we talked about what we thought of the service and any opinions we may have on it. Ryan also shared some of his life experiences. Some of which I could relate to - and I also related some of the stories and content Robert had shared about to my last six months up in Canada. Two of the other guys shared a few thoughts and the fifth mentioned that he was in the spot of not feeling that he can hear God - something Robert had talked about - something that a lot of people feel. And as this guy noted, Robert had given some good advice on where to start with that - something I would like to somewhat if not fully implement into my schedule.
After this, Ryan shared some more thoughts and personal experiences and we ended in prayer. Then we sat and talked a bit. Ryan put on a Youtube guy that he found funny on the TV. One guy had to leave right away - he had and early morning this morning. The other two guys got up and played some Ping Pong and Ryan and I struck up a conversation. Before long the other two guys left and it was just Ryan and I. We talked for quite a while - he was sharing with me a revelation and study he'd done/received at how the town of Bethlehem itself shows that Jesus was both man and God. Plus he shared some other thoughts too - it was very interesting. Then we got into the Youtube videos from this guy. We watched those for a while, and then that turned to watching a bunch of Michael Jr. videos on Youtube as well. We, after quite a while, started a 30 minute sermon by Michel Jr. that he preached at gateway. It was both funny and really powerful. Not long afterwards I left, realizing that it was 11:45 PM. I journaled for about fifteen minutes in my car on the Michael Jr. sermon - in it he had given a picture that really challenged me when I am spiritually right now, and it's something that I really have been trying to work on, but this took it even deeper. That thought was on my mind until I fell asleep and it's been on my mind since waking up this morning. I'm going to take some time to really think, pray and process this. Though I think my prayer life will have a little twing to it now - what Michael talked about also really challenged how I pray - and the visuals that came with it in my heart disturb me a lot. - So that is something I ask for prayer for, that I'd be able to process through this with clarity and freedom.
I am looking forward to small group next Sunday night!
God is Good!
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