Saturday, February 10, 2018

Roll'n On

My car has continued to roll on even as it seems to not b perfect. (hmm, a good life analogy in there, haha).   I took my car to the shop in Gridley and it came out saying that the reason for it not starting may be a glow plug problem, however Ben Koch, a Great diesel mechanic (he use to work on my car - I bought the car from his dad) says that he wouldn't touch the plugs since their are not engine codes for them.   So my job now is to find a mechanic who is comfortable working of German cars and take it to him to see what could be wrong - the Gridley shop said they don't have the tools to dig into it (this seems to be a common thread among German cars - Jonathan's Mercedes Benz had the same issue with mechanics).  If you know anyone that might be comfortable with that let me know.     Also, even though the Gridley shop didn't think the engine shaking was the engine mounts, Ben thought that was the most likely reason.  

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