Thursday, February 15, 2018

Following Foggy Fortunateness

Last night/evening on the way home from work/school I was driving on a road in the midst of the heavy fog and I was driving pretty fast, not focused much on my speed - not that it makes it okay, but I was so engulfed in singing along to the music in the car I had little regard to my speed, being somewhat hesitant to surpass 70 or 75 mph.   Then out of no where, it seemed, right in front of me was the faint view of break lights, I quickly slowed down to find that a black SUV-like van was stopped on the road waiting for an oncoming car to pass so he could turn.   As the car was turning I drove on.  Not far down the road a car drove by without lights on.  I flashed my lights at him, hopping they'd turn their lights on.  Then it hit me, "Thank you God!"  Had the car in front of me earlier not had it's lights on, I likely would not of see the bright-ish (as it can be in heavy fog) break lights and I would of had an accident.  Praise God!   Later I came to a stop sign and was turning left.  I was enjoying my time in the fog, and as I was making the turn I let go of the wheel and placed my knee on the wheel deciding that I might knee drive for a while - I am a pretty good knee driver (or so I think, though I've never done it in fog).  However as I was letting go of the wheel, I heard what I believe was God's still small voice whisper to me, "that is not wise to do in fog."   Realizing He was right, yet again, as always, I returned my hands to the wheel.   And Good thing too, for not much more than a couple hundred feet ahead I nearly hit a deer or two running across the road (in the fog).   Yet again, I get to give God all the credit.   Thank you God for both telling me and guiding me in wisdom and for saving me from an accident!   God is so Good!

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