Wednesday, March 8, 2017

The Shack

Last night I joined a group of friends who invited me to join them in going to watch "The Shack."  Well mu budget doesn't hold for a movie ticket, but I was able to pull $8 together to make it.  It's with a group I'd really like to get to know better and spend more time with, and I really wanted to see The Shack.   I've read the book before and loved it, though I cried during the book so I figured I'd cry a bit during the movie.   Was I ever wrong.   I didn't just cry a bit, I cried most of the time.    It was an amazing movie!    It was a great watch, but also a great eye opener on perspective, relationship, and the trinity.    It was relatable and moving.    Based off of looking around and hearing all the sniffles, I'd be surprised if there was anyone in that full theater room that didn't cry at least once.  

I'd give The Shack a 10 out of 10, an all time favorite.   As strange as it seems for me to say this,  but in it's own way I'd put The Shack at a higher rating than The Lord of the Rings, an all time favorite.   (However the two I don't think cam be compared at the same level or on the same spectrum).  I greatly anticipate watching it again, and I'll remember to bring a lot more tissues with me.  

Also I was blessed to find that someone had paid for my ticket!!    God blesses me in so many ways.   Not only that, but we all went out to eat afterwards to talk about it and I didn't get any food since I couldn't afford it.  But yet again someone paid for some pizza for me.   I am so blessed, the whole night!  

1 comment:

  1. I agree. The Shack is definitely a 10. I'm not much of a movie-goer but I've seen The Shack twice and hope to see it again. I was very touched by how "relational" each part of the Trinity were to each other and to Mack. . . and how they talked about love being the thing humans are created for. . . and many other things! :-)


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