Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Psalm 31:15a

I've been having a wonderful night with God tonight.  He took me out to eat and He's taking me to a movie later on tonight.  He blessed me with two meals spread out.  In between them He revealed this to me.

Psalm 31:15a, "My future is in your hands."

My future is no longer a concern of God's
My future has already been seen by God.
My future is in His hands.
---His hands protect.
-----My future is protected.
---His hands provide.
-----My future has been provided for.
---His hands guide.
-----My future knows where it's going.
---His hands lead.
-----My future follows Him.
---His hands embrace.
-----My future is being held by God with Love.
---His hands bless.
-----My future is blessed.
---His hands build.
-----My future is built.
---His hands plant.
-----My future is growing, is alive and strong.
---His hands overcome.
-----My future has nothing to fear.
---His hands care for.
-----My future is cared for, loved and is seen.
My future is covered.
My future is none of my concern for God is already there.

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