Wednesday, March 15, 2017

The Shack Again & Applied

"I look at my life and all seems fine.  I am moving forwards, but then I stop and look around me.  I let the memories and scenes settle in.   I look at the path behind me and what lies ahead.  In this moment I am hit with what I’ve called, “life: past and future.”    I look and I see my worries surfacing.  I see fears and confusion bubbling up.   I see a sea of lack of understanding.   I’m looking down at my life and my focus, my attention is on things that are causing my heart to say “oh no!” and freak out.    The boat I’m in is sinking in the lack of understanding.  It’s driving me crazy because I can’t figure out how to float in it.  I want to know, I want to see, I want to understand and control, yet I can’t.   I am so focused on my problems and what I perceive to be wrong and what I see or do not see, that I barely hear the soft, calm, voice of Understanding.   I hear Understanding say, “look up.”   I hear Him say “Look at me, keep your eyes on me.” Understanding says, “Don’t focus on what you see, lack of understanding, but look at what I see, understanding.   How much more clear will my view be than yours?   How much more real will my view be than yours?   How much more true and pure will my perspective be than yours?  How much more helpful will my understanding be than yours?”  

I don’t want to live in not understanding, but if I do I want it to be of God.   Meaning, if I am going to live in not understanding, I want my lack of understanding to be because God has said, “you don’t need to understand right now” or “it’s not time yet” or “it’s not right that you know” or “you will benefit and grow more if you don’t know.” 

I look around and I see that when I look up at Understanding, when I look up at my father, my worries and fears slowly fade away.  The “problems” and situations are still there, but when I keep my eyes on Him, I see another perspective that wasn’t and isn’t humanly possible without Him. "   

- thoughts walking out of seeing The Shack a 2nd time

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