Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Games, Fellowship & Music Prayer

Sunday March 26, 2017.

Sunday morning I was blessed to be able to serve on the Parking Team for the 11:00am Service.  That in itself was a ton of fun, as usual.   Then right after 2nd service I was privileged to be asked to join Building Security and Safety meeting over lunch.  This meeting allowed me to get a better glimpse at what it takes to run an organization, such as a church, and it showed me a bit more of the Operations role within Koinonia.

After the meeting I went over to a friends house to hang out with some people from the Connect Group I'm, again, blessed to be a part of.   We were there worshiping, eating, talking and playing games until we had to go.  I left early for Twenty20 so I could make it to the prayer group before Twenty20.   This time of prayer over Twenty20 is from 6:00-6:30pm (Twenty20 Starts at 7:00pm).  And I usually am not able to make it because I am serving on ushering.  I'm not a huge fan of this, personally I would love to attend prayer every Twenty20.  

Twenty20 did some changes for the night.  There was no worship and there was no service.  It was a Connect Social, we just played games, talked and ate food.  The first part was just talking and eating some snacks.  Then we got together as a group and played a handful of full group games (there were 60-70 young adults there).     The final group game we played was Guess Who?.  We split up into two teams and picked a team captain.  Then we each got a piece of paper and wrote our names on it really big.  Then each group picked a person to be it and we all then stood up.  The team captains went back and forth asking questions to each other trying to figure out who the person was.  With each question people were sitting down until a select few were left, and so on as the game goes.  It was a lot of fun.
After group games we all went back out into the foyer to eat more food for a bit and then play board/card games scattered about on tables throughout the foyer.  Again this was a ton of fun.  Most of that time I either talked, played Dutch Blitz, or Uno.  I was playing Uno with a group of people when the started closing down the building.   As we finished up and were cleaning up, people were leaving.   A few friends suggested we should play Sardines.  Bryce agreed to stay to lock up the building and play with us.  

While that was getting ready a friend (Matt) and I ended up in the Auditorium with his violin and we did a time of prayer.  As he walked around the room praying and playing his violin, I started walking the rows praying.   It was Amazing and powerful and fun!   At one point during praying I was asking God to let everyone who heard the message today, everyone who heard the worship today, everyone who was here today to be touched and for God to move in them through it.   For a short instant I felt a wind of the Holy Spirit flow through the whole room and then leave.  As it was flowing through I head Him say, "I will."

After this amazing time we headed back out and found that the rest of the half a dozen or so people had just started playing sardines.   This was the first time I've played this game.  If you haven't played before, the basics of the game is one person hides somewhere in the building and everyone else then has to find them (in the dark without turning lights on (except for flashlights)).  Once you find the person, you hide right next to them (even if it's out in the open) until everyone one is there.   I really enjoyed it!

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