I've never woken up at 3-4 am to a cop shining a flashlight into my eyes and drilling me with questions, that is not until last night (not a joke this time dad 😄).
Last night I had a wonderful and powerful time with a connect group I'm a part of. Time sure flies and when were with God in worship, fellowship, prayer and ministry, time flies all the more. We started at 7pm and within what seemed like a hour or so it was suddenly 2am. God has spoken a lot to might during the night, so as I sat in my car I journaled it all down. Then I felt peace about just sleeping in my car for the night again. I drove to the church parking lot and noticed as I pulled in that the parking lot light poles were not on. Anywho I parked on the far side near the back of the lot and sat with God for a bit. I nearly fell asleep on the way there so I was ready to fall asleep. I got out and popped the trunk, thankful yet again for the blanket's and pillow I keep in there for times like this (thanks mom and aunt Jane for them). I cuddled up and leaned my seat back. The last time I looked at the clock for I clocked out was 2:50am. I left the car idling all night (thankful again that diesel don't burn much fuel idling). Ne next thing I knew was I was waking up to something, a noise of some sort. I noticed a white light outside and I initially thought that the light poles had come one. But I also noticed that there was a car outside my window. I sat up and rolled down my window, realizing that the car was a cop car. The cop was in his car about 5 feet away, window down and his flashlight pointed right at me. Now when I said he drilled me with questions, that may be a bit exaggerated. He asked me a lot of questions though. He asked me if I was sleeping and I said, "on and off" (since I was waking up a lot). He asked why I was here, I told him that I was out late with friends and I was too tired driving home. He asked where home was, and I told him I'm from the States and am visiting. He proceeded to ask if I was drunk or anything, to which I again honestly replied with, "no." He asked a bit more, and I decided I would take the time to tell him the whole story in detail, but God decided to satisfy him and he drove off. Before he did he told me that he was just a bit skeptical that a person was in a car idling in a parking lot at 3-4am laying down with blankets and stuff. He said it seemed a bit sketchy, which is fair. Also the whole time I felt strangely awake and a supernatural peace.
Glad you're okay! Too bad you didn't get to tell him the whole story. lol.