Saturday, October 1, 2016

Sadly Ture, Time to Change

Picture yourself in the following situation.  As you pull into your driveway and get out of your car, you see movement inside your house.  Your family is with you in the car, so you know thieves are breaking into your house!  You run to the neighbor's house and call the police.  Anxiously you wait, hoping they arrive before the thieves leave with your valuables.  Down the street you hear the sirens.  Police cars screech to a halt in front of your house.  Officers jump out of their cars and run to the curb, where they line up and begin to sing.  Sing?

You listen closely.  They are singing about how they have the authority to stop the robbers and how they can regain your possessions.  Meanwhile the thieves rob you blind. *

This is often a picture of the Church today.  We sing about attacking the enemy, we talk about it, preach about ti, but we do not actually do it.

We must put action behind our words and intentions-we must attack the enemy!

*Dean Sherman
- Frank Damazio, Seasons of Intercession

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